Why Me? - 5

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I was shocked by what he was doing...

"What are you doing, Vegas?" I asked with surprise because his one hand is holding my waist and another one my hand... and he was very close...

"What the hell are you wearing Pete?"

"What I'm wearing is none of your business... If you are disgusted by what I'm Wearing—-" he cutoff my voice by placing his lips on mine...

I don't know what's going on... He is nibbling my lower lips and sucking very hard... I was stunned by what he was doing...

After regaining my consciousness, I pushed him all I had and rubbed my lips vigorously... It's my first kiss. How can this bastard come and kiss me out of nowhere? I looked at him to see if he was guilty or not? but he was smirking and smiling...

"What are you doing? Are you planning to cheat on my brother?" I asked. He frowned.

"What brother? What cheating?" He asked and came near me...

"Stop there... Don't come near me or I will tell Porsche about your cheating..." he narrowed his eyes and pulled me close to him.

"Don't tell me you assume me, and Porsche are lovers..."

"Aren't you?" I asked with confusion...

"Pete, I know you are dumb when reading emotions but are you that dumb can't even tell what friendship is and what is love?" I bite my lower lips. Aren't they dating? Did I assume all by myself? Ah Pearl already warned me not to overthink...Oiii What?.... Then.... If he doesn't love Porsche then who does he have feelings for?.... Me.... NO WAY....

He snacked around his hands on my waist... This time I didn't protest...

"Don't bite" he commented, and I stopped biting my lips..." I'm not disguised the way you dress... But look what you dress like... your waist is revealing... I can touch your bare skin..." he said and pinched my waist.

"Vegas" I yelled and started to wiggle but he held me tightly...

"And what are these panties, right?" he asked while holding the revealed panties strip..." Pete, are you gonna show what you are wearing inside to the world..."

"What's that with you... This body is mine. I can wear what I want, and I can show what I want?" He put his face on my shoulders. I can feel the hotness from his breathing... My heart starts to beat fast... I wanted to be this close with Vegas before, but do I want that now? Do I still have feelings for him yet?

"Pete... Can you not wear anything revealing that's what I want?"

"Why?" I asked for the answer...

"Please Pete... I can't control...." he is not moving an inch, but I can feel his hotness....

"What? Why?" I demand an answer... He raised his head from my shoulder and looked at my eyes... They are trying to communicate with me... But I couldn't read... I always called him a dumb and couldn't read my eyes but now I'm the one feeling dumb because I couldn't find what he is trying to convey and why he is doing this?

"Pete" he called me many times today...

"Ok..." he withdrew his hands from me and created distance between us... I was confused and I didn't want him to make distance... I want to be close with him...

"You can wear this and you look very gorgeous, but can I ask you to do one thing?" He asked me with a bleeding voice... I nodded...

"Please put a blazer above this" he asked as I paused my lips... Was he jealous?

"Hmm... Now can you get out? I need to change...." I asked... he again saw me with a weird face then went outside...

I held my chest beating fast like when I saw Vegas for the first time... I want to ask him why he kissed me? and why did he call me cute when we were in the car? and what he meant by my stalking? and how he knew me from college? and how Tawan knows me? ... I have so many questions but I'm afraid to ask.... I don't know why? But from his behaviour I can sense something like he may like me? Or is this my delusion? Ah Pete, come to your senses...

Why Me???[Vegas Pete]Where stories live. Discover now