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A/n:before we start,let's have a moment of silence for Grovers Uncle.

"Well what do we do with the head?"Loreli asked turning to the space that looked empty but actually held medusas head.

"I just took down a Fury with it,and I barely even tried,we can't just leave it for someone to find."
Enzo informed them as he gestured his head and hand towards the head.

"Leave the hat on and bury it in the basement,that ought to keep it safe."Said Percy as everyone kept their eyes on his.

Before everyone turned their head to AnnaBeth "sure,we still have Loreli's."She shrugged as Loreli shook her head "I lost it."She informed the girl.

"Still..sure."she said thinning her lips awkwardly.
"Now,can we talk about the bigger issue here?"Asked the girl.

"What bigger Issue?"Asked Enzo curiously.

"You could of saved your mother."AnnaBeth repeated Medusa's previous quoted as she paced around "That's what she said to you,like you discussed it already."AnnaBeth pointed out as Loreli swiftly turned to the sea-green eyed boy.

"Is your mother still alive?"Spat both girls as they all stood opposites each other meanwhile Grover was staring at his stoned uncle.

"She's with Hades."Percy pointed out at the two confused girls "we sincerely appreciate that concern."Added Enzo slipping his hand over his chest.

"Guys,just please stop."Grover burned into the argument under his breath shaking his head as they all turned to look at the back of his curls.

"Oh,I'm concerned?"Annabeth asked the boy "What are you two actually doing on this quest?"
Loreli questioned placing one of her her hands over her hip the other circling around in confusion.

"And why did I have to hear this from Medusa?"Spat Annabeth once more,her eyes sending daggers the boys direction.

"Okay,while we're at it.You should have accepted my offer."Percy through back "yeah what's that about?"Enzo asked slipped his arms across his chest "And why did we have to hear it from Alecto?"he asked pointing between himself and the others.

"Enough!"Bellowed the pissed off Satyr that was tired of this never ending bickering,everyone turned to him with a stare of shock.

"The hat was a gift from her mother."Grover mentioned motioning his hand at Annabeth "it's the only thing she ever possessed that connects them."Grover spat out as the boys glanced towards the girl "That ought to matter to you."he said as the boys gulped awkwardly.

Enzo clicked his tongue "Okay,then how else do we make sure this thing is out of reach?"Enzo asked pointing his arm down.

"I'm not up to that yet."Grover snarled still hot headed "and you two,really?"he asked turning towards the girls "Their moms alive."He reminded them.

"Can you imagine how confusing that must be for them?"Asked Grover now smacking sense into every one in that 'statue exhibit'.

"Feeling like they may have to choose between the fate of the work and the fate of the only person who's ever cared about them?"Spat Grover his voicing roaring so loud it sounded like he was going to break his vocal cords.

"Why are you talking like this?"Asked Annabeth once he stopped the ranting "yeah..Grover..why?"
Asked Loreli as now everyone's eyes turned to him.

"Because all day I've been trying to keep this quest on track without upsetting either of you."He spat before breathing heavily from the long speech.

"But maybe things need to get a little upsetting before they move forward."he sighed deeply turning towards the side that held the brothers "they asked you a question back in the woods,and
neither of you really answered."he said as the boys turned their heads to the girls "What are you so afraid of?"He asked curiously his voice angry.

"What are you talking about?"
"Seriously,Grover,what do you mean?"

"You both heard me."The boy spat,his frustration growing with the two, "I don't know."they replied awkwardly shifting as the girls stared at them.

"I think you do."Grover argued back as the boys licked their lips "you've been fighting with the girls,you've been fighting with me."Grover listed at the boys avoiding eye contact.

"Because the Oracle said one of you would betray me.Okay?"

Percy sighed,before repeating what he had told his brother previously "You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,and you shall fail to save what matters most in the end."the boy quoted.

"That's the rest of what she said to me.That's all me and Enzo know."Percy informed them.
"I told Percy to chose them because I couldn't imagine we'd ever be friends,that's exactly what he thought as well."He said as the boys didn't realise the shift in the girls.

"And I chose you because I thought if I can count on anyone to be on my side,no matter what,it was you."Percy began to inform them of everything.

"We don't know what to think and we don't know who to trust."The boys panted out before cutting themselves off as the room fell silent.

The girls took a deep inhale of air looking up to collect everything that left their mouths,it seemed the words had actually affected the girls.

Slowly the boys came to realise what they'd said and how it sounded,Enzo kicked his lips taking a deep breath "Guys,I didn't mean it like that."he assured them his tone soft and awkward as the girls avoided to look at them both.

Annabeth broke the silence "Alecto offered to help our quest if I gave you two up to her."She finally told them as their brows furrowed.

"What did you say?"Percy asked as he turned his posture swiftly to face the girls properly.
The girl took a deep breath "I killed her sister."

Annabeth stood in silence as the boys looked in all directions of the room processing if they should admit their secret.

"Medusa offered to help me save my mom if we turned on the three of you."Percy returned the favour that Annabeth had.

"And what'd you say?"Asked Loreli her eyes tracking between them,slowly Enzo turned his head "We cut off her head."he said as the girls lightly nodded.

Finally Grover spoke up "you didn't choose to be demigods.We didn't choose this quest.But we can decide as long as the five of us are together,"he paused with a deep exhale of relief "none of us are gonna be alone."

The boys lightly smiled before turning to the girls who avoided looking at them "And if we can't do that,"Grover began as the boys looked away the girls looked at them "we might as well just head back to camp right now."Grover scoffed staring between the four " 'Cause we won't make it."

Percy nodded "I think I've got a better idea what to do with this."he admitted glancing between Loreli and Grover before smiling.

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