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The two boys sat on the bench with their heads low and their two leather bags on the ground,
Percy's a light brown,Enzo's Black as they also had two matching backpacks chilling on the bench.

"None of this is easy."Mr Brunner informed them as neither bothered to look up "not for you,or you,or for any of us."he said,parking the wheelchair at Enzo's end of the bench.

"I'm very concerned about you two."He admitted as the boys looked up but didn't look at him "that's harsh."Enzo whispered"I saw what happened at the museum."he pointed out as the two looked back down.

"I didn't touch Nancy."They spat angrily taking harsh pauses as they finally turned to their left to face Brunner.
"I know you didn't."he replied in the same tone but slightly less offending as he emphasised the word 'you.'

"At least,I know you guys think you didn't."he said as he watched the curiousness fill their eyes as they looked away "Do either of you want to tell me what you think did happen?You can tell me.I might just understand."he said as the boys scoffed.

"How much should we bet,Percy?"Asked Enzo as they both turned to the man who also chuckled "boys..I've seen a lot of young people through this sort of thing in my time,but all of them,I suspect that...you two might have the most difficult journey."he pointed out the boys looking away from him.

"I suspect you two are special."he calculated as they turned with squinted eyes at the word special,they glanced away "so much more than either of you know."

"Just...stop."Percy demanded closing his eyes as he stood up "seriously,we don't need any more stories."Percy assured him "we don't want anymore stories about how special we don't realise we are."Enzo spoke up.

"They aren't helping."Percy informed him "This is our ride.Come on,we're going home."Said Enzo as the car approached the tires screeching as they swung on the bags,clutching their cases as they enter the truck exiting through the large gates.


"There's nothing wrong with the plumbing in this building!"Yelled the man over the rain as the two boys passed an old lady in the hall "maybe you should see a doctor!"He yelled as Enzo frowned awkwardly with his teeth at his brother who just sighed shaking his head.

"How do you know I'm not a doctor,huh?"Yelled back Gabe"Have you considered eating more fruit?"the first voice argued back as the boys dragged their feet to the door the voices getting closer.

"Hey! I eat plenty of fruit."Spoke Gabe "Have you considered eating more fruit?"he snapped back sassily as the boys sighed the door swung open a fat,bald man with a beard began retreating out of it with tools.

He sighed turning around as he saw the boys "oh! Hello,Enzo,hello, Percy."He greeted calmly.
"Hey,Eddie,sorry about that."Percy spoke lowly as Enzo pointed at the door the man turning "im walking out,you two are walking in.I should be apologising to you."he said with a sympathetic frown before strutting past.

Slowly the boys stepped forwards the two standing there like lost pups "you can open it."
Enzo assured Percy as he slowly opened the door.

"W-Hell,hello."Spoke Gabe watching the boys enter the room "Welcome home,you genius'."he said with his legs propped up on his sofa chair as the boys sighed he took a long sip from his can.

"Is our mom home from work?"Asked Percy maintaining a calm mood as silence filled the room the only sound the quite  Tv rolling "well,is she?"Enzo spat out.

"Oh,is that all you got to say to me? Huh?"Gabe snarled curiously "yeah,I mean that's all I said,isn't it?"Asked Enzo as Percy and him stood side by side.

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