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"I was seven."she added on,which only made the story worse. "It isn't the gods who think that way.
It's everybody."She blurted out,her hand still around the charm necklace before lowering it back to her side.

"But at least with the gods you know the rules.
Show them respect and they'll be in your corner,no matter what."she explained as the boys eyes slowly drifted closed,like it was some sort of bedtime fairytale,but instead it was real,and it was cruel.

Grover groaned loudly from above as he began rubbing his eyes and shifting around "You awake?"Both boys hollered up.

"Well,I am now.Thanks."Whined the satyr slowly rubbing his face again "Are you okay?"Asked Percy at the extremely whiny boy.

"He's super grouchy when he doesn't get enough sleep."Annabeth mentioned.
"super grouchy."Emphasised the other girl from her bed.

"HeS sUpEr GrOuChY wHeN hE dOeSnT gEt eNoUgH.."Mimicked Grover like a child "..nah."he whined out in a mocking tone.

"Wow."Exhaled Percy making an O shape with his mouth at the boys attitude as the train slightly rumbled.
"You've never been on the road with him before."Annabeth informed them "A little different than a froofy boarding school."The girl remarked turning her head to her side.

"Who's Froofy? You're froofy. What's froofy?"Snarled Grover rapidly from above them all as he looked down adjusting his blanket.

"I think I need to eat."he sighed sliding his hand under his pillow ready to drift away again as the boys smiled.

Enzo sat up followed by Annabeth,them two talking for most of the night,before arguing about something stupid,then Enzo drifted to sleep half way through the stupid argument.


The sun had just rose and Annabeth had awoken every single one of them,the sun rise may have been gorgeous but no one really wanted to wake up.

"Two days until we reach Los Angeles."Grover informed them as they sat by the window "Plenty of time before our deadline to reach the underworld."He said thankfully as the train horn blared in the distance,the sound slightly muffled from how far back they were.

"Can I ask a dumb question?"Enzo asked the people infront of him "it's like you need me to make fun of you."The girl replied rotating her heads towards him lightly shaking her head.

"Shoot."sighed Grover at the offended boy as the girls pout sarcastically at him.
"So we've never been to Los Angeles before."Percy began pointing between himself and his brother "I'm guessing neither of you have been to Los Angeles."he assumed,wearily glancing between them.

"So,how will we know where to go?"Asked Enzo finally getting the question out to the girls advantage to make fun of them.

Grover raised his hands off the table as the girls stare at him "No idea."Grover answered lightly "but that's like step 37,and we're still on step four."Grover said at the boys who were now even more clueless.

"Why so many steps?"Loreli whined with her head against the window,she seemed to be the groggy one now.

"Cross that bridge when we get there."Grover ordered,explaining while wavering his hands around "Follow-up that stupid question."muttered Enzo "Dude."exhaled Annabeth rolling her eyes as she rolled her head back.

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