Lesson 10 - How to not warrant an early death

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Song attached: Not Alone by NCT127


< How to not want to warrant an early death >

It takes me more than a few minutes to register that the alarm is actually ringing. I groan, trying to open my eyes but they resemble two glued pieces of paper. I flop to my side, pulling the mat closer but someone very rudely kicks my stomach.

"Wake up. I'm this close to leaving you here."

That wakes me up alright and I squint my eyes. They are bleary, taking a few seconds to focus but when they finally do, I don't see anything but an empty sauna room. A lone older couple is on the other side of the room, directly opposite from us but apart from that, the room is deserted.

I quickly sit up, grunting when the blood rushes to my brain too quickly. I wince, holding my head in my hands and I look around until my sleepy eyes fall on Liu Xuejun. He looks a lot better than he did yesterday. His eyes are still big and beautiful but any sign of redness is completely gone. So are the dark circles.

Don't be shy, drop the brand of foundation.

His gaze is unreadable as he stares at me, lips pulled into a tight line. Xuejun has seen me like this countless times yet it's been two years and I can't help but feel conscious. Subconsciously, my hands shoot up to the sides of my mouth and thankfully, I don't sense drool stains.

"When did you wake up?" My voice comes out groggy and I cough. My throat feels horrible- too scratchy, and I can't feel my nose. Heck, I think I caught a cold. But nothing in Xuejun's face changes and he looks down at me. Literally. Really, when did he get so tall? And though it's an inch or two, my mind cannot help but lament. We used to be the same darn height.

"Way earlier than you." And the recent frost in his voice is colder than yesterday.

I sigh. It is too early for this crap and honestly, I'm done. "Xuejun," I say, curtly. "I know I've been a jerk. I shouldn't have left like that. I should've explained. I'm sorry, okay? Like, really sorry. A thousand times. So stop talking like an angsty teenager going through puberty twenty four seven. It's not you."

Liu Xuejun doesn't say anything and just like that, he bends down to retrieve his mat, completely ignoring me.

"Xuejun, don't ignore me!"


"Liu Xuejun!"

More silence.

Would you look at this brat-

I raise to my feet, nose scrunched up, my hackles raised. I stomp the few steps up to him and the audacity of this kid! He looks up lazily, his jaw set and eyes unhindered as they stare at me, taunting, and it takes every fibre in me not to snap.

I poke my finger on his chest repeatedly, hoping they'd drill holes. "Look here, Liu Xuejun. I did not lose sleep and get a cold just so you can be an annoying piece of shiz."

A dry chuckle escapes Xuejun's mouth and his eyes are super unimpressed as they gaze at me. "Shit, Winter. Two years and you're still cursing like an elementary school kid?"

God, is it wrong to punch a half celebrity? Seriously.

I huff, turning away. I'm too worked up to speak and a tiny part in me is in disbelief over how much he has changed. Heck, this kid used to run behind me with a goofy smile, acting cute so that I'd buy him more coffee!

I press my eyes shut, taking a moment to compose. Every inch of me is uncomfortable and my nose itches. "Liu Xuejun, pack your things. We're going back."

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