xxvii. chamber of secrets
genre: fantasy (?)
charcaters used: n/a
softwares used: phonto, superimpose, picsart
date made: june 29, 2015
• baduy i know, oke so i'm going to be semi-active na. update nalang ng works ang magagawa ko, hindi na'ko makakapagrespond sa mga posts sa mb ko, messages sa inbox ko, comments etc. ala nakakatamad na magtype, natype ko nato sa neverland e. adiosssssssssssssss unfabitchachoooos.
• fab tinkeo
Fabless Craps | Graphic Portfolio
Casuale↻ where fab tinkeo puts all her fabless craps // graphic portfolio.⟩ "fabless craps bcs all the fabness has been taken away by the maker itself, tinkeo."