A/N- Sorry not a new update

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I just have a few things to say and I'll keep this as short as possible.

I just want to say that this story means everything to me. I care what you think good or bad. If you have something to say about the story please let me know in the comments. If you overall hate this story then that is on you and you should just stop reading because I will not stop writing. Let me know your ideas for the book. If you have something you would like me to do as an author let me know such as
--Putting lyrics of poems or songs at the beginning of every chapter
--Book recommendations at the end of each chapter
--Photos at the beginning of each chapter to represent a different character in this book

I am open to doing anything for all of you lovely readers but please let me know because I can't do anything differently if you don't put your input in the comments

I would love to see ideas for new covers for this book and I will give credit to the people who created the covers I would put the covers as the picture at the beginning of each chapter I would also like to do a contest type thing where people send me their covers that they think fit the book and I would put them all in one chapter making it clear who's cover is who's and after like a month or two of getting covers I would pick the winner and change the cover but also making sure to leave credit where it is due.

My Little Mafia PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now