Chapter 3

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Alex's POV (cute guy Scarlet had to sit next to)

"Scarlet are you just going to stand there or are you gonna sit down so I can finish taking attendance and start class." Said Mrs.Lundgren which got my attention very quickly. "Sorry, I will go sit down now." Said who I am assuming is Scarlet. Huh Scarlet I think I heard her name before but I can't seem to think of it. Wait she looks like a sophomore so why is she in a Junior class? Wait I got to stop jumping to conclusions. "Psst Scarlet." That worked let's go.

"Yeah, what," she whispered back. "Here's my number text me during your lunch I wanna be friends." Crap that probably was weird. Crap I shouldn't have done that. "Oh ok, sure but we have never spoken before so why so interested in me?" She asked Golly her voice just makes me go crazy. Crap what is happening to me. I have never acted like this to a girl before. "Oh I don't know you just seem like someone who likes to have a few friends that are close but that is it and I am strong and would be better at protecting a friend meaning you than any girl in this school." 

Oh crap, what is happening to me? "Ok well pay attention this lecture is easy for me but you just seem like you would fail trying it." Ouch, that hurt she is so feisty I like it. "Ouch that hurts but fine I will." That is a lie but she doesn't need to know that. Does she?

Scarlet's POV

Wow ok that was so weird I need to find Xander or Isac after this class that was just a no for me and I will never talk to that guy again. Gross. Luckily the class flew by quickly so I didn't have to deal with that guy anymore. 

Wait oh crap neither of my brothers can keep him away from me if they don't know his name. Crap why didn't I ask his name. I am so stupid. I found Xander so I guess he's the one I will talk to about it. I told him every detail and the features of the boy since I have a photographic memory if I get a good look at something or someone they are stuck in my mind which isn't always a good thing.

 "Ok don't worry I will keep an eye out and if you see him in any of your other advanced classes you ask him for his name and you let me know right away that means text me got it." We aren't supposed to be on our phones during school but for some reason, me and my brothers don't get the rule taken too hard on us.

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