Part 3: Chokehold

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It was odd to see Rosinante in a t-shirt and jeans. You had stared at him for so long, he'd had to wave his hand in front of your face before you realised he had asked you a question.

"Sorry, what?"

"I said, do you want to take the bed and I'll take the couch?"

"Oh. Don't put yourself out just because of me. I'll take the couch."

"You'll take the bed."

You rolled your eyes. "Yes, Dad."

Rosi's little one-room cottage on the property behind the church was barely bigger than your studio apartment, but it was cosy. Crocheted blankets and piles of books seemed to cover every surface, and the windowsill was overflowing with plants all in various stages of dying. You wanted nothing more than to just collapse onto the plush looking couch and sleep the afternoon away, but Rosi had piled the tiny dining table high with books on demon hierarchies and exorcisms and intended to read every single one of them in the hopes of finding a way to banish a Demon Lord.

"I'm not that much older than you, you know."

"It's not my fault you give off dad energy! The priest getup really doesn't do you any favours."

"Yes, well, that's kind of the point of it."

You walked to the neatly made bed and dropped your rucksack onto it, feeling a little weird about sleeping in a priest's bed. The duvet was pink with little red hearts all over and for some reason you found that endearing.

"I'm going to order us some food. Any preferences?"

And so it was that the afternoon crawled by, Rosi absorbed in reading, you alternating between skimming whatever you could find that wasn't in Latin, and texting Law while empty Thai takeout boxes slowly piled up in front of you.

I can't see you for a while. These protections Rosi put on me are hardcore. He says lesser demons won't be able to come within fifty feet of me.

I'll be fine. Do what you need to do. Stay safe.

You sighed and scratched absently at the skin of your neck. You reeked of holy oils and incense, and would kill for a shower, but Rosi had forbidden you from doing so until it was time to renew the wards. He had also forbidden you to leave the church grounds. Not that you had anywhere else to be, but the thought alone was enough to have you feeling cooped up.

You sighed again and snapped your book shut. "How about I just kill him?"

Rosi looked up, surprised as if he'd forgotten you were even there. "Well, there's the small problem of him possessing control over your body. Not to mention any Lord of Hell would have considerable physical strength too."

"What if I took him by surprise?"

"He would likely possess supernatural senses as well. I doubt it would end well for you."

You pouted and folded your arms over your chest. "It was just an idea."

"An idea that's likely to get you killed."

He set the book down on the table with a sigh and rubbed his eyes. Then he surprised you by taking a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lighting one, cracking the window to blow the smoke out into the dreary twilight air.

You raised an eyebrow.

"I'm trying to quit," he said defensively.

"How have I known you for two whole years and never knew you were a smoker?"

"It's not exactly a good look for a priest to show up to mass reeking of tobacco." He offered you one.

You shook your head. "I'm good. But I wouldn't say no to some of that nasty communion wine."

Damned if you Do (Devil!Doflamingo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now