The Wedding Day: Lizzie

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I looked in the mirror as Sara, the make up artist, applied blush to my cheeks.

A princess stared back. Her hair was loose and curly with little white flowers threaded through. Her fingers smoothed a creamy white gown and she twirled the engagement ring around her finger.

In less than two hours, a wedding ring would join it.

Nerves bubbled in my stomach. I didn't remember being this nervous the first time I got married.

I wondered how Charlie was doing. He was getting ready in the room down the hall, but he had three boys to dress first.

I couldn't wait to see my sons in their little tuxes. And my daughter would be joining me soon. She was my bridesmaid.

We decided to have a small wedding. We had both had big weddings the first time around and we didn't have many people we wanted to invite who weren't already in the wedding party.

Archer's daughters were my three flower girls. Mine and Charlie's three sons were our page boys.

I didn't really need anyone else.


I turned to my daughter who stood in the doorway wearing the blue bridesmaids dress she had picked out. She wore the most beautiful smile as she looked at me.

"Hi, sweetheart." I said.

"You look stunning." She whispered, watching me in awe.

I laughed with joy. "Thank you, darling. You look beautiful too."

She stepped into the room and gave a twirl.

"Does it look ok?" She asked.

"It looks perfect, my darling."

She smiled.

"Are the kids with Papá?"

"Yes. I think he's still trying to get Luke dressed." She said. "He doesn't like his tie."

"Why am I not surprised?" I murmured.

Our youngest hated dressy clothes. His tie would be off before the ceremony was over. Maybe I should tell Charlie not to bother.

Maddie looked at me and I wondered what she was thinking.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

She smiled.

"Very happy." She said. "I'm so happy for you, Mum."

She had started calling me that a lot recently. It still made my eyes water. But I couldn't cry before my wedding so I blinked the tears back and smiled.

Sebastian walked into the room with my sons in tow; as the only childless adult today, he was babysitting the boys for us whilst we got ready.

"You look incredible." He said, as he kissed my cheek, then Maddie's, in greeting.

"Thank you."

"You excited?" He asked.

"Incredibly excited." I smiled. "A little terrified too."

"I can't blame you, a life with Charlie is enough to terrify anybody." He joked.

I lightly slapped his upper arm. "Leave my poor fiancé alone."

He chuckled.

"Mummy, you look like a princess." Luke said, gazing up at me.

"Thank you, sweet pea." I said, kneeling down to kiss my son on the cheek.

I looked in the mirror again. I felt like a princess. My king was waiting just a few minutes away to take me to a castle where we would live out our happily ever after.

"You look so smart." I told my son, wiping away a lipstick mark on his cheek and turning to my other two sons. "You all look so handsome. My beautiful little boys."

They leaned in for a hug and I wrapped my arms around them with a smile.

I looked at the clock. We had just a few minutes before the ceremony would begin.

"Right, you boys need to get ready. You need to walk to Papá, remember?" I asked them.

They nodded and I eyed Luke suspiciously. There was a good chance he would bolt down the aisle and straight to Charlie rather than walking with Liam as he'd practiced. Still, it would make for a happy memory at the end of the day.

I followed the kids out of the room and down the hall to wait just outside the doorway out of sight.

Archer brought his girls in and smiled at me.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I'll see you in there." He disappeared, smiling back at his girls as he slipped into the ceremonial room. I watched the open doorway, my stomach fluttering with nerves.

Maddie smiled at me as she picked up her flowers and stood a little in front of me.

The music started up and I watched the kids start to walk down, the twins held hands and walked down first and Maddie and Leo followed, hand in hand. Archer's girls giggled before following suit and I was left alone for a moment, feeling my stomach do another nervous flutter.

With happy apprehension, I listened for the chime that was my cue to start walking. I prayed I wouldn't stumble or fall.

Slowly, I followed the kids into the room, my eyes meeting Charlie's as the rest of the world melted away.

His smile lit up the room as he stood in a tuxedo that was identical to our sons' miniature versions.

I reached his side and took his outstretched hands.

When I look back on this day, I don't know if I'll remember the words the wedding officiant said. I don't know if I'll remember the flowers we picked, or the wedding menu, or the name of our first dance song.

But the one thing I will never forget is the look on Charlie's face right now. 

I looked into his eyes that were filled with love and wonder as he read out his vows and I felt like I was the luckiest girl in the world.

I read my vows out and watched as he wiped a teardrop from his eye. I hoped that would be the only time I ever made him cry.

I looked around the room, my kids sat in the front row smiling, and I caught Maddie's eye, happy tears glistened in the corner of her eyes and my hands ached to brush them away.

I looked back up at Charlie, his smile melting my heart.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The officiant said. "You may kiss the bride."

Charlie pulled me close and kissed me as I felt the rest of the world disappear for what felt like an eternity.

He was everything I had ever wanted.

This was everything I was ever going to need.

This. This was what love was.

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