The twins's birthday: Lizzie

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"Do you think we have enough balloons?" Charlie joked as I caught my breath.

"Do we need more?" I asked, seriously.

"No, querida. I think we'll be ok." He said, chuckling. "What time are Josh and Tessa getting here?"

"Soon. They wanted to get here early so they can spend the day with the twins. The agreement when we got divorced was we would always spend their birthday as a family. That way the boys don't feel disappointed." I explained.

"Sounds great." Charlie said. "Presents go in separate piles or together?"

"Usually separate. But we have a few joint gifts that go in the middle." I said. "Usually I just tell them what colour is theirs."

Charlie nodded and started putting the presents we had wrapped in two separate piles.

"Papá, can I help?" Leo asked, making us turn around.

"Sure you can, querida." He smiled. "Can you put all of the blue presents on the armchair? And I'll sort out the red ones over here."

I watched them for a couple of minutes before going to check on the cake.

The doorbell rang, making me jump.

"Uncle Josh." Leo said from the other room as I heard him run to the door.

He opened the door and I peeked out of the kitchen to see him smile at Leo.

"Hey, lil buddy." He said, bending down to pick up my son.

"Uncle Josh." Leo wrapped his arms around Josh's neck as the twins raced down the stairs.

"DADDY!" They squealed.

I followed them and smiled at the pair.

"Hi, you're early." Charlie said, shaking Josh's hand.

"I couldn't wait to see my boys on their birthday. Is this ok?"

"Sure is." I replied, kissing Tessa on the cheek in greeting.

The boys clamoured for Josh's attention and I smiled at them.

"Please, come in through the kitchen." I said, leading the way. "It's been a bit hectic this morning. Surprise surprise."

Tessa laughed. "Anything I can help with?"

"Sure if you don't mind." I said, entering the kitchen. "We started early but I still feel like we've got too much to do."

"Anything you need." Tessa said. "I'm your girl."

Josh followed, the kids clinging to his arm.

Maddie smiled at them from the table where she was helping to put cocktail sticks on sausages and cheese.

"Hi." She said. Tessa went over to help her and kissed Maddie's cheek.

"How have you been, darling?" She asked.

"I'm ok." She smiled.

"Do you want to find a quiet space to hang out to avoid all the kids when it gets too loud?" She asked, she knew Maddie wasn't keen on crowds of people.

"Ok." She said. "I've got some new drawings I'd like to show you."

"Great." She squeezed her hand gently.

I smiled before turning back to Josh.

"We're thinking of having the garden open when the other children get here, I've cleaned up the trampoline and the entertainer should be getting here soon." I said, leading the way outside.

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