4.School ride 2

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Sunoo pov

This son of a bitch wanted to do something dirty when suddenly there was the sound of shooting. I heard someone come on the floor and something was sprayed on my body. I didn't want to see what was going on, that's why my head was down the whole time, but then suddenly I thought about what was going on.

I looked up very slowly to see what was going on but then I couldn't believe my eyes anymore. Hyunwoo was on the ground, his blood was sprayed on me but the worst thing out of all that I didn't want to believe at all was the one who was shoot...

It was Nishimura Riki.


Niki pov

My eyes were on Sunoo the whole time. I watched him the whole time until suddenly a bitch splashed water on him. And blah blah blah but then Sunoo went to the bathroom and that's not the end I saw a boy following him.

I didn't really care, but after 5 or 10 minutes, I became worried. I stood up from my seat, and slowly went to the toilet to check on Sunoo.

Suddenly I saw an asshole letting this little kid suck his cock and I could see the pain right from Sunoo's eyes.

"How was it? Did you enjoy it, bitch? Well, let's begin with round two - "

My blood boiling. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went inside, slowly closed the door, got my gun, and shot.

"Round 2 is over, mothefucker. "

I said with a smirk. Sunoo slowly pulled his head up to see who it was but then widened his eyes.


He said and fainted. I walked to him and carried him on briday style.
Poor boy.

I went with him to my home because I had something to do with him.

After I finally were on my house. I went to my room and very slowly laid Sunoo on the bed.

'How can be someone so cute?' I thought a last time, kissed him on his forhead and laid down next to him. After a few seconds, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and slept next to the innocent boy.

(A few hours later)

Sunoo pov

I finally open my eyes. I became confused because I was in a completely different place. But that wasn't what really shocked me. What really shocked me was that NIKI was next to me and sleeping.

I slowly sit on the bed. I looked at Niki and got closer to his face.
(If you ask rn why I get closer to his face is because i wanted to see if he really Niki is or am i just dreaming. )

After i got closer to his face,suddenly he opens his eyes.

"AHHHHH!! W-when did you wake up?" I said with a nervous voice.

He sat down and looked at me. Then he suddenly said .

"Nervous, huh?" He said.

Omg, why is he so hot with his messy hair? Omg..shit...don't tell me... no, I'm blushing!!???

I kept my hands on my cheeks so he couldn't see me blushing. I saw his smirk, this tall kiddo.

"W-why are you smirking? And why did i stutter?! " I said again, nervously.

"I smirked because you're cute, and you stutter because I'm handsome."

"Aaaaha, ok then, thanks for saving my life and bye-"

"Kim Sunoo, I need a reward. "

He said, took me on briday style and throw me on his bed. I rolled my eyes and spoke.

"What kind of reward? If you wanna money, then I'll give you your money tomorrow. "

"I didn't say i wanna money,foxy."

"Huh? Then what do you want from me? "

"You. I need you."


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