Chapter 4

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For the meet and greet part of MagCon we were all assigned to tables. I had to share a table with Mahogany and the Jacks. After realizing how funny they were I decided that they're probably my favorite out of everybody.

After the meet and greet, we all danced around and played games, then it was time for the Jacks to perform.

They sang their song Distance, which was amazing to listen to. But I noticed something weird. Whenever Gilinsky was singing, he would look t me. Same with Johnson. I ignored it like it was nothing, but I knew something was up.

Then we wrapped everything up and headed back to the hotel. On the ride back, I sat next to Johnson in hopes that I could figure something out, but he made it seem like it was awkward. I decided I'd just leave him alone.

When we got to the hotel I went up to my room to reconsider my life. I know I'm weird, deal with it. I laid across my bed while scrolling through Twitter. I followed a few fans and responded to some comments until I heard a knock on my door.

"IT'S OPEN!" I shout towards the door.

Jack J comes in and locks the door.

"Uhm....okay....?" I look at him confused.

"I have to tell you something Sarah," he says running over to me. As soon as he does though, someone starts knocking on the door. Great. Another person.

I open the door and see Jack G standing there.

"Can I talk to you?" He asks

I look at Johnson, then Gilinsky and do this for a while.

"WHAT IS GOING ON??" I basically shout at both of them.

They look at each other and say at the same time, "I think you're hot."

I look at them confused for a minute. "Well this is awkward....." I look down.

"We were wondering if you liked us back," Johnson continued.

"I don't like anybody right now, but j guess I could hang out with one of you for a day and the other for another day and see which one I like...." I responded questioningly.

"I guess," Gilinsky responded and looked at Johnson. "You cool with that?"

He nodded and before I knew it we were just hanging out in the room.

I learned more about them and how they met. It's so cool. They had the same name, teacher and shirt on the first day of kindergarten. They had to be friends apparently. Johnson says it was love at first sight. I giggle at the thought and they look at me like I'm crazy (A/N I was watching the Jack and Jack movie while writing this). We just started laughing and I told them about all the times Nash picked on me.

They laughed at most of the stories when, once again, someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it," I told them as I got up and walked to the door. It was Nash. What a surprise. He was looking at me like I had murdered someone after he saw the Jacks in my room.

"Can I help you?" I asked almost snappy-like. If that's a word. I dunno

"Yeah, you can," he responded in the same tone. "You can stop hanging around guys that'll get you into trouble."

"You don't know that they'll get me into trouble," I retaliated almost immediately. "Now go away!" I slammed the door in his face and sat with the Jacks again.

"Sorry," I looked at them apologetically.

"What was that about?" JJ asked (I know he hates being called JJ just go with it).

"Nothing," I responded. "Just sibling stuff" I laugh trying to play it off.

"Oh, well we should get going," Gilinsky said looking at his watch.

"Okay, I better get to sleep," I wave goodbye and watch them leave.

"I guess I'm going on a date with Jacks," I whisper to myself.


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