Common misconceptions

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Here are some common misconceptions about therians:

-Therians are furries

While therians can be in the furry fandom, and vice versa, these are two entirely different communities. A therian is someone who identifies as an animal on a non-physical level, while a furry is someone who is interested in anthropomorphic animals.

-Therianthropy is a mental illness

When people say this, they are often misinformed and think that Therians believe they are physically animals. However, that is not true. Therians believe they are animals on a NON-PHYSICAL LEVEL.  We know we are physically human. Believing to be physically an animal, however, can be clinical lycanthropy, which IS a mental illness.

-Therianthropy is a religion

Er, no. Just like how the LGBTQIA+ community is not a religion, therianthropy is also not a religion.

-You have to do quadrobics and wear gear to be a therian

Even though quads and gear are great for connecting to your theriotype, they are only activities and are completely optional. Therianthropy is not about gear or quads, it's about your identity.

-Therians have superpowers and can turn into animals

Unfortunately, being therian does not mean you can physically shift into animals or have any kind of special non-human power. In fact, claiming to be able to physically shift is frowned upon as it is not scientifically possible.

-Therians are part of the LGBTQIA+ community

Although some people may see the two as similar, they are vastly different. The LGBTQIA+ community is mostly about sexuality and gender identity, while therianthropy is about questioning your species.

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