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she explained about how she felt like she was in the air. flashing lights surrounding her and georgies voice screaming "YOULL FLOAT TOO!" repeatedly. until she opened her eyes. "i saw all of us all of us were there like it is now but we were older we were our parents ages-" richie cut her off "hey hon am i still handsome as an adult" he cupped his hands under his chin and smiled awkwardly. the boys all smirked after richie smiled "you'll grow into your looks" she smirked at him "what the fuck does that mean?" he chuckled and asked. stan smiled and looked at aurora "what about me?" she looked at him "like now.. but taller" she replied and smiled at him. stan smiled in satisfaction. bill got up and held a broken piece of glass "swear swear if it isnt dead if it ever comes back we'll come back to" 

memory... its a funny thing people wanna believe they are what they choose to remember the good stuff the moments the places the people we all hold onto but sometimes....sometimes we are we wish we could forget. 


A carnival was being held in Derry.

at a carnival game a group of people were spraying some clowns mouths with water to pop the balloons above their heads. "get ready GO!!" the carnie yelled and called out to the contestants "whos gonna pop the balloon first AND WE HAVE A WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNAAAHH"  the carnie handed the winner a stuffed toy with huge nostrils and little eyes. "thank you" he turned to his boyfriend and smirked "bit of a show off arent ya" his boyfriend said "right" the man said and turned to face a little girl. the little girl with a birth mark on her cheek looked up at the man who won the toy with a saddened expression. he looked down at her and said "hey do you want this?" she didnt say anything else but the man leaned down to her ear and whispered "thanks for letting me win" he handed the toy to her. she smiled and ran to her mom who was waiting for her "what'd you get Vickie?"  the couple started to walk away from the stand and started to sip their drinks. "here's your consolation prize" the mans boyfriend said "hmm look at that ive been a fan of the beaver but this hat.." the couple leaned in and kissed each other "thank you.." they kissed again. a homophobic boy turned and looked at them as they walked "so we need to talk logistics" the man looked at his boyfriend "ooh how romantic" the boy got up and walked up to them "ROMANTIC??? WHATS SO FUCKIN ROMANTIC HUH??"  he asked and shoved the man in the beaver hat making him spill his freeze drink. he spat on the men and looked up at them. the mans boyfriend went to his other side and looked at the group of the boys friend who asked them a question "mamas ever teach you boys to respond to them when they ask you a fuckin question?"  the man dragged his boyfriend away. "Cmon Adrian" he said and pulled him away "got a problem F@gg0t??" the guy smoked. adrian turned back and put a ring on his finger from a necklace he was wearing. "i dont but meg ryan called she wants her wig back" adrian's boyfriend tugged him away. they went to a bridge and walked. "i wonder why people stay in this asshole town..." adrian looked at him "maybe because they have small brains and small dicks.." he said "im being serious we belong else where" "if you end up hating new york we'll move back here" the two began to discuss again but someone was behind them "i just wanna be with you and i dont care new york derry what ever!-" don adrian's boyfriend cut him off "its- you have to say that" 

the spouses leaned in to kiss but the bullies walked up before they could lock lips "take that fuckin hat off!" don started to walk away but was stopped by a guy "cmon we dont wanna give people the wrong impression that were fuckin fairies like you.." adrian turned to them "he was born here assholes!" "alright lets go" don attempted to drag adrian away "no! yknow what?? ill take off the hat for you" he pointed to the boy who was making fun of the beaver hat he was sporting "but why leave it there anything else you'd like me to take off for you tonight?" he smirked as he joked "any special requests ladies?" as adrian turned around he was bitch-slapped by the main bully who was making fun of him. don tried to fight off the rest of them but they just grabbed him and started to wail on adrian. the group threw adrian to the ground making him groan in pain. they then did the same thing to don. the main boy picked up adrian's hat with his buck teeth poking out of his mouth. he put on the hat and watched as his accomplice spoke to the men "so stop i dont think you'll be needing that!" the man kicked adrian's inhaler out of his hand after he began to shake it. don rolled onto his side screaming "LEAVE HIM ALONE! HES GOT ASTHSMA FUCKER!" 

the boys punched kicked and fought the spouses. "FUCK EM UP!" adrian bled out of his nose and mouth while the group screamed "CMON KICK EM!" the men kicked adrian as he laid there limp and nearly dead adrian spat up blood. don tried to help but one of the bullies pinned him down. adrian bled out and spat blood while the bullies laughed at their pain. "i still hate your hair.." he whispered to the boy earning him another sock to the face "ADRIAN!! GET THE FUCK OFF HIM!" they all laughed "LOOK WHAT WE DID TO HIS FUCKIN FACE" they grabbed the pair "hey help me pick him up HEY HELP ME PICK THIS FUCKIN PUNK UP!" a boy shouted to the group attempting to pick up adrian who they leaned up against the side of the bridge. "give me the hat" "its fuckin mine-" "GIVE ME THE FUCKIN HAT!" the boy shouted. the young one handed it over while don screamed to his lover "ADRIANNNN!!" the boys said "welcome to derry mother fucker-" they tossed adrian into the running stream below. "NOO!" don screamed while trying to reach to his lover "lets get out of here" the group ran away leaving don behind bleeding and upset. he scampered down the bridge "ADRIAN WHERE ARE YOU??" adrian was in the middle of the river drowning "HELP ME! SOMEONE WHY DID THIS HAPPEN" adrian began to float towards something. it looked as if it was a figure of a circus clown. 

adrian was pulled out right before don had arrived. he looked in the lake and saw his beaver hat floating along the current. don looked over at adrian and the clown. "adrian!" the clown held him to his shoulder and smiled before opening his mouth fully detaching his jawline and let his spikey bones cometh forth to the light where he slammed his teeth onto adrian's arm ripping it off "NOOOOO!! ADRIAN!" the clown ate adrian's rib cage as balloons started to float to the scene don looked at the balloons and screamed loudly. children chanted "we all float down here!" 

the thing is sometimes what we wish we was forgotten what we try to leave in the past...

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