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Rose and Jesse had known each other ever since they were small. They used to spend all their precious time together, they were basically in seperable.

They grew up and soon where in middle school!

"New Braunfels, Texas" Rose's mother replied.

Rose just stared dumbfully at the wall unable to think clearly. Her mother had just told her they were moving to Texas because of her father. She didnt' wanted to move, she didnt wanted to leave Jesse. Tears fell from her eyes when she realize that she would probably never seen him ever again.

"No! I don't want to!" Rose screamed and ran towards her room.

Her mother just sighed and called the Boyle brothers' parents to tell them the news.

"What?" Jesse said over hearing them speak over the phone, "T-they can't..."

"I hate seeing my daughter like this," Rose's mom said, "But if we don't take this opportunity we will lose everything..." Rose's mother sounded like she was sobbing.

"Yes I understand Mrs. Sanchez. We would help, but..."

"Your boy's futures, I know and I wouldn't apcept it either. We are leaving in two days"

"Two days..." Jesse whispered as he closed his eyes, a single tear fell down his face. He walked to his room. "She needs to leave or her family loses everything..."

The evening came and went and soon the two days were gone. Rose didn't speak to anyone and Jesse never went to go spend the last few days with her. Rose was outside looking at the road waiting to see if Jesse would come say goodbye. His parents and brothers did come and say goodbye, but why not him?

Rose let out a sign and gave up.

Just as she got into the car and her parents started the engine, Jesse ran in.

"Wait!" he yelled.

"Let's just go" Rose said being angry with him.

"No! I'm sorry please let me speak to you!" Jesse said getting in front of their car. They couldn't leave without running him over. "Please" he begged.

Rose rolled down the window, "Fine."

"Look if sorry I haven't seen or talk you for the past two days. I just couldn't bring myself to come spend time with you and then see you go... for maybe forever. I wasn't trying to ignoring you it's just I couldn't bare the thought..." Jesse was nearly gong to start crying.

"Oh Jesse... I wish I can stay-"

"No! I mean- You- It's- You need to go... But promise me that you will keep in touch? Please..."

"I-I promise Jesse" she said.

They soon left and Jesse stayed there watching them leave. He stayed there just looking into the distance way after they had already left.

That was simply just years ago.

Rose already graduated from high school and was working a simple job for now. Living in a small apartment on her own. Yes, Jesse and Rose always kept in touch messaging each other and skyping throughout those years.

One afternoon during the summer there was a knock at the door.

She open it to see one of those guys from the UPS with a small package.

"Miss Rose Sanchez?" he said.

"That'll be me!" she said with a smile.

"Here ya go! Please sign here" he said.

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