「2 | Strange Reunion」

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Still, he stepped inside of his room, pushing the door shut again with his heel. His flaming hair seemed to spark a little as he walked to his bed and laid the unconscious archer down onto it.

Moments after Fire Spirit Cookie laid Wind Archer Cookie down onto the bed, a soft mumble escaped from his lips, seeming like he was stirring after just a couple of minutes. A spark escaped from his hair as a star briefly emerged in either eye. Despite his brief excitement at his brief stirring and the soft mumble, a sense of strange dread quickly overcome him, replacing that moment of happiness he suddenly felt.

Instead, he laid there, motionless, save for the slow movements of his chest rising and falling while he breathed in and out gradually. Their flame red eyes stared directly at his closed ones, silently wishing that they could look directly into them once again. A quiet, incoherent mutter escaped from their lips, the flame-like lights around the two of them seeming to dim as they finished their muttering.

"...I missed you, Windy." He mumbled, kneeling down beside the bed and reaching his hand out, brushing the tips of his fingers against his cheek. A few more sparks came from his hair as he did so, despite it causing the archer's eyelids to twitch. He quickly pulled his hand away as his immediate reaction.

"Mmmh... hh.." He groaned, his eyelids slowly, hesitantly fluttering open, revealing his heterochromic eyes. Their eyes widened again as they felt their heart stop for a brief second, leaning closer to him as he finally stirred. "..where... am I.."

Fire Spirit Cookie's mouth curled into a delighted grin as he leaned his head against his hand, then leaning against the pillow. "Well, hello again, darling~"

Wind Archer Cookie's brows furrowed, his cloudy eyes gradually becoming clearer as he began to realize where he was. Looking over to his right, his eyes narrowed, his gaze hardening.

"Hello again, Fire Spirit Cookie." He replied through gritted teeth, beginning to sit up slowly. Without any prompting, they reached out to him, almost out of some type of strange instinct. They took hold of his shoulder gently, though it made him jerk away from and glare at them instead. It took a second until it registered for them that they'd just done something he didn't want at that moment.


"Shut up, just... just... just, shut up." He interrupted, struggling to not say something more as he rolled his eyes in annoyance while attempting to stretch his wings. The lights surrounding the two seemed like they had brightened as he'd woken up, though it was just a slight difference in lighting.

It seemed like barely anything had changed between the two's relationship since they last interacted.

"...sorry." They mumbled, standing straight again as their wings stretched out a little, which broke the cape-like facade it typically held. Hearing them manage to mumble out an apology seemed to take him aback a little. He attempted to stretch his wings out again, though they remained largely stiff, making him wince and sending a message - albeit a very silent one - that told him it wouldn't be a good idea to try again a third time.

After another moment, Wind Archer Cookie finally spoke up again.

"...what? Did you just..?"

It took a moment for it to set in for Fire Spirit Cookie, that he'd just apologized, even if it was a rather quiet apology. He could've sworn his heart stopped dead in its tracks for a moment. A flare emerged from his irises as his eyes widened, though they vanished with a blink, morphing his expression into his typical smug face again.

"Of course... not."

The brief pause made the two of them go uncomfortably silent as Wind Archer Cookie stood completely, stretching his arms above his head just as the immortal flame turned on his heels and headed towards the door. For a reason unknown to him, he spoke up again.

"Where are you goin-" He stopped himself just before he completely finished that statement, his cheeks becoming a little hotter as he turned his head away. It took just a moment for him to notice the balcony and view of the Dragon's Valley. Curiosity took hold of him as he stepped closer to the platform, just as the door clicked open and audibly shut just a moment later.

...I wonder how my mother is doing right now. He pondered silently, grabbing the weird note again and rereading it. While re-reading it, he got a gut feeling about who the real creator of the note was, and the true purpose behind that note. He let out a soft sigh and re-folded the note, looking to the orange horizon ahead of him.

In the meantime, Fire Spirit Cookie had left the volcanic palace, instead floating above it, his spread wings having destroyed the façade of him wearing a cape. Compared to what he was usually like, his smile had faded, his eyes seemingly not having the usual 'flame' in them as his wings flapped far slower than they usually would.

Moments passed, there was simply pure silence from them. Finally, they drifted down, onto the magmatic spire, nestled in the frontal-center of the palace, lying back on it as their wings folded up again. Their grip was tight on their staff, the inside of the Red Dragon's Bead flickering for a moment before dying out again.

With lying on the spire silently, staring up into the skies that were as orange as a fanta, came their thoughts. Specifically, about Wind Archer Cookie, and why he was even there in the first place. The last time they'd spoken with eachother, he left after a few minutes.

Why's he back? Does... does he want actual closure? If so, why'd he go unconscious once in the sky?

They took a deep breath, shutting their eyes, trying to clear their thoughts as their wings spread out while relaxing against the hardened magma.

The steam and smoke above seemed to take the form of clouds, emerging from the ground below, dissolving just as quickly as they emerged.

Both of the Legendaries watched this cycle peacefully, both being left with their differing thoughts.

The door clicked open, meaning a new Cookie had entered the room. "Ay, Fire Spirit Cookie, I think Pitaya wants t... Wind Archer Cookie??"

"Hm?" Wind Archer Cookie was torn away from his thoughts as he looked back at the visitor. "Capsaicin Cookie?"

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