The Attack

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Brooke stood in her room, gazing at herself in the mirror and adjusting her hair before preparing to visit the store and discuss matters with her mother.

She exhaled deeply, contemplating the conversations ahead, pondering the words she would share. With Peyton and Lucas out together, a suspicion lingered that they might return with news of their engagement or marriage.

Despite understanding she should feel joy for her friends, a tinge of envy crept in, leaving her uncertain of the target.

‘Come on, Davis, refrain from dwelling on Peyton and Lucas; there are still tasks at hand,’ Brooke admonished herself before finalizing her appearance and departing, yet her mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of her two friends.

In an internal struggle, the brunette considered hitting her head on something to silence her thoughts but ultimately deemed it an unwise choice, especially with an impending headache expected from encountering her mother at the store and dwelling on Peyton and Lucas.

As she arrived at her car, Brooke’s mind revisited Peyton, reflecting on their return to One Tree Hill and understanding the reason behind Peyton’s return, primarily for Lucas, stirring mixed emotions within her.

“I cannot allow jealousy to cloud my thoughts, although I am uncertain of what exactly I am feeling envious of,” Brooke muttered while driving towards her store to converse with her mother and secure the premises.

Her contemplations were interrupted by her phone’s notification sound, providing a welcome distraction. “Thank goodness for a text,” she whispered, easing her car in front of the store and pausing to check the incoming message.

Brooke grasped her phone and tapped on the message to reveal that it was Peyton who had sent it. Her face flushed with warmth, yet the brunette could not pinpoint the origin of these feelings she had developed for Peyton.

The twenty-two-year-old was taken aback, as she had expected to feel envious of Lucas being with Peyton, but to her surprise, it was quite the opposite. She exhaled deeply as she read the message.

‘Hey, Brooke, I just wanted to inform you that Lucas and I arrived safely at our destination. Please try not to worry too much about me, and I look forward to seeing you upon my return. Don’t let your mother’s words bother you.’

Brooke smiled at the text, blushing slightly as she did so. After reading the message, she stowed her phone in her purse, exited the car, and made her way into the store, relieved to find Victoria still present, which put her at ease.

Upon entering the store, the brunette observed her mother seated on the couch engrossed in something. The brunette cleared her throat as a means to capture the older woman’s attention, which was quickly garnered.

‘Is there something you require, Brooke?’ Victoria inquired, rising to approach the petite woman who made eye contact with her. ‘Yes,’ the brunette exhaled, mustering the courage to address the matter at hand. ‘We must discuss your recent behavior and treatment of my friends,’ she articulated, locking gazes with her mother.

Victoria, meeting Brooke’s gaze, retorted, ‘Oh really? I was under the impression Rachel hadn’t departed.’ Her eyes narrowed at the expression in her daughter’s hazel eyes.

As Brooke confronted her mother, a direct question emerged: ‘Were you at my residence?’ she demanded, trailing after Victoria through the store. ‘Did you interact with her?’ Her chest constricted as she pieced together the events of that evening involving Rachel.

Victoria retorted, halting in front of the sofa she had been sitting on but not taking a seat, stating, ‘Nothing the mirror couldn’t have told her.’ 

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