Talk To Me

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Upon arriving home, Brooke's phone rang incessantly, each time revealing Peyton as the caller. After seven calls, she finally answered, only to have her heart shattered by the news Peyton delivered. Despite suspecting that Peyton and Lucas would become engaged, Brooke silently hoped otherwise.

The emotional turmoil was evident as she struggled to come to terms with the painful truth. Reflecting on the recent attack, Brooke closed her eyes as she made her way to the bedroom, the journey feeling like an eternity.

Recalling the traumatic experience of waking up in her bloodied store, Brooke winced as the intense pain still resonated throughout her body. She slowly rose from the floor, pondering the reason behind the violent assault while making her way back home.

Shaking off the memories, the brunette suppressed her distressing emotions when Peyton persistently reached out to her. She made the decision to switch off her phone, hesitating to disclose to the blond that she had been assaulted in her own store.

She was reluctant to spoil Peyton's weekend, as she knew her friend would immediately prioritize her well-being over anything else, which she found unfair. 'Although it would be comforting if she occasionally prioritized someone other than Lucas,' Brooke murmured softly, holding back tears.

While Haley and Nathan were always available for support regarding the incident, she refrained from approaching them to avoid causing inconvenience, especially when their lives were starting to return to normal.

She also hesitated to involve Jamie. Although Mouth and Skills were options for seeking help, she was apprehensive of their inquisitiveness about the situation.

She contemplated seeking solace in Deb, who might empathize with her circumstances, but she was hesitant to impose on her, despite growing up alongside Nathan and his mother, as she was unwilling to burden anyone.

However, deep down, Brooke primarily desired Peyton's company, as they had gone through similar experiences four years ago with Psycho Derick. This wasn't the sole reason behind her frustrated exclamation, 'Stop being selfish, Brooke; she is with Lucas,' which she scolded herself for. As Brooke proceeded to remove her outfit worn from the store, she noticed that her previous dress was torn to shreds.

Grimacing in pain as she raised her arms, she had lost track of time since the onset of the attack, entirely consumed by her actions and unaware of the opening of the front door or the calls for her name.

Just as she was about to put on her robe, Peyton entered her bedroom, inquiring, 'Brooke, are you in here?' while observing her friend struggling with the robe.

Brooke uttered 'Peyt?' as she attempted to adjust the robe further but ceased when she caught Peyton's voice interrupting her. Before she could finish her question, Peyton, the blond, cut her off.

Peyton had just entered Brooke's room, assuming the brunette would be there if not in the living room or kitchen. Peyton remained by the door, her green eyes fixed on Brooke's body, uncertain if she was seeing things.

Upon scanning Brooke's bruises and face, Peyton inquired, 'Brooke, what happened?' as she took a step closer to inspect her friend. Observing Peyton's approach, Brooke quickly pulled the robe over her shoulders, wincing from the pain that shot through her body. 'Why are you here?' she asked, her hazel eyes narrowed.

Upon seeing Brooke, Peyton felt the urge to inquire about the situation, but sensed impatience in the brunette's voice as she approached, stating, 'I came home to check on you,' while moving closer. 'May I ask why? What has happened to Lucas?' Brooke inquired, attempting to mask her jealousy.

Peyton replied, 'He returned with me and is currently in conversation with Haley,' as she neared the brunette, adding, 'Nevertheless, that is not the primary concern at this moment.' Observing Peyton's remarks, Brooke arched an eyebrow, and her determination surfaced, questioning, 'In what context do you speak? Did you return solely because of me?' Arms crossed in front of her chest.

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