Telling Lucas About Us

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Lucas was on the verge of reaching out to grab Brooke's shoulder and shake some answers from her when Peyton's voice abruptly intervened by commanding, 'I said back away from Brooke, Lucas!'

The stern instruction caused Lucas to lower his arms as the blond woman's gaze bore into him. Lucas, in response, explained that he was only trying to inquire about Peyton's whereabouts and Brooke prevented him from speaking with her.

An intense exchange unfolded between Lucas and the brunette, with the latter reminding him that she had previously informed him that Brooke was resting and he needed to be patient.

The brunette further expressed her discontent with Lucas for intruding without permission despite being asked to leave on multiple occasions.

As the brunette distanced herself from Lucas, seeking refuge beside Peyton, she felt a sense of security knowing that the blond woman's presence would deter any potential harm from Lucas.

Observing the interaction between Lucas and Brooke, Peyton expressed her disapproval of Lucas barging into the house and cornering Brooke. Upon hearing Brooke's words, Peyton frowned and inquired, 'Lucas, what is so urgent that requires your presence?'

Ensuring Brooke remained behind her, Peyton stood her ground as Lucas justified his abrupt entrance by pointing out that Brooke had prevented him from talking to Peyton earlier.

Displeased with his behavior, Peyton retorted, 'That does not excuse scaring Brooke and trapping her in a corner.' The blonde was taken aback by Lucas's actions, believing he was resorting to low tactics to resemble the brunette.

In response, Lucas defended himself by insisting he did not intend to frighten Brooke, shifting the focus of the conversation to Peyton's decision not to marry him. Recounting past events, Lucas highlighted Peyton's change of heart from expressing affection during his relationship with Lindsay to rejecting him now.

Upon listening to Lucas, Peyton shook her head and expressed, 'I already mentioned my apology and confusion about my feelings. I did not expect you to propose so soon.'

She turned to check on Brooke, who appeared relieved. Lucas, with an accusing look at Brooke, inquired, 'Is it because of your feelings for someone else, or is it her?'

He then questioned, 'Is she influencing you against marrying me just because she is single?' As he moved closer to the two women, Peyton instinctively reached for Brooke's hand protectively.

Brooke reciprocated the gesture by squeezing Peyton's hand, signifying unity. 'I have confessed about my feelings for someone else, which I only realized after your proposal, and I am regretful,' Peyton clarified as she locked eyes with Lucas.

Tired of Lucas' insinuations, Peyton emphasized, 'This has nothing to do with Brooke, as she neither advised me against marrying you nor interfered.' She felt frustrated by Lucas attempting to attribute her decision to her relationship with Brooke.

Brooke was filled with gratitude as Peyton stood up for her and she smiled warmly as Peyton motioned to Lucas about their relationship by pulling Brooke into her arms. 'Peyt?' Brooke inquired, surprised but accepting of Peyton's decision to inform Lucas about their connection upfront.

She was indifferent to others' opinions and felt it was necessary for Lucas to be aware. Lucas observed Peyton's actions and skeptically raised an eyebrow as he deduced, 'Wait, don't tell me.'

Disgust filled his blue eyes as he processed the situation, 'You have feelings for her. I knew you mentioned having feelings for a woman, but I never imagined it would be Brooke.' His gaze then shifted to Brooke, giving her a disapproving glare.

Brooke winced at his harsh words, wishing she could disappear as she retorted, 'Lucas, you need to step back immediately!' Peyton commanded protectively, keeping Brooke securely by her side.

Lucas inquired, 'Why should I? I would like to understand your reasons for choosing this woman over me. Surely, there are other options available.' As Lucas stepped closer to them, Brooke interjected firmly, 'Back off, Lucas,' her voice trembling with emotion.

Peyton turned to Lucas and suggested in a calming tone, 'Perhaps it would be best for you to relax and keep your distance. Brooke was attacked last night, and she doesn't need added stress from you.' Although unintentional, Peyton realized she may have implied too much by mentioning Brooke's attack.

Both women held their ground as Lucas halted in his tracks upon hearing Peyton's words. A closer look at the brunette, who appeared on the verge of fainting, made Lucas reconsider his actions. His expression turned serious as he processed Peyton's statement and observed the bruises on Brooke's face, finally noticing the extent of her injuries since his abrupt entrance into the house.

However, the regret was quickly replaced with a scoff. Lucas was uncertain whether it was genuine or if Brooke was merely playing a game to keep him and Peyton apart.

'Are you certain she did not inflict these injuries on herself? Or could they simply be makeup?' Lucas inquired, eliciting sharp gasps from both Brooke and Peyton. Brooke was astonished by Lucas' words, as she had not expected him to consider that she had caused her own bruises.

'Lucas, did you really have to ask that? How could she possibly do this to herself?' Peyton questioned, her green eyes locked with Lucas's.

'I mean, she could have paid someone to do it in order to make you return and disrupt everything,' Lucas suggested. Peyton's fist clenched. 'Do you realize what you're saying, Scott?' she demanded. 'She would not do that either. If you stopped behaving like a love-struck puppy, you would see what's truly happening.'

"Brooke is not responsible for everything that goes wrong; my feelings for her are beyond my control. I suggest you leave before I involve the authorities," Peyton stated, stepping away from Brooke to guide Lucas out of the residence.

"We can discuss this further once you have had a chance to calm down," she added. Observing with teary hazel eyes, the brunette saw Peyton escorting Lucas towards the exit. "If you ever mistreat Brooke in the same manner again, don't even consider returning," Peyton warned.

Lucas shot a hostile look at Brooke and silently mouthed to her, away from Peyton's view, "If you're playing some sick game to ruin everything, I'll make sure it backfires." He departed, leaving Brooke visibly shaken.

After Lucas had departed, Peyton approached Brooke and embraced her, saying, "I apologize for his behavior, Brooke. He is upset with me, and unfortunately, he is taking it out on you," Peyton expressed, planting a kiss on top of Brooke's head.

 The brunette pressed her face against Peyton's neck. 'It is not your fault, Peyton. Let us refrain from dwelling on it too much and hope that he does not cause too much trouble with the others, as I am unsure if I can handle him turning everyone against you,' she expressed.

Peyton, understanding that Brooke was likely going through a difficult time and feeling weary, replied, 'Very well, let us prepare for bed since we have a date tomorrow,' attempting to shift the atmosphere between them.

Brooke couldn't conceal her smile as she agreed with Peyton's remark, 'Indeed, that sounds good.' She then withdrew from her girlfriend and proceeded to her room to prepare for bed.

'If you require assistance, Brooke, just call out for me,' Peyton offered, aware that she should have encouraged Brooke to report her assault to the police but did not want to overwhelm the brunette. 'I will,' Brooke responded as the two women readied for bed.

Upon arriving in her room, Brooke removed her robe and then positioned herself in front of the mirror to examine her body. As she observed the bruises scattered across her pale skin, she involuntarily took a deep breath.

'This healing process will be extensive,' she concluded, while changing into shorts and a tank top. Lying down in her bed, she couldn't ignore the echo of Lucas' words expressing disbelief at the idea of her being attacked.

Brooke shook her head and released a sigh, acknowledging the necessity of speaking with Haley and Nathan promptly to prevent them from growing concerned and potentially reaching out, especially considering the recent departures of Peyton and Lucas to Las Vegas.

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