The Date

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Brooke awoke the following day and began preparing for her upcoming date with Peyton, which was scheduled to take place in an hour or two. While selecting an outfit, she commented, 'I can't wear a dress or a skirt since we'll be riding horses,' as she opted for a pair of blue jeans which she deemed perfect.

Subsequently, she chose a white T-shirt, a matching flannel with a pale blue checkered pattern, and a pair of boots, expressing once again, 'Perfect,' with a smile as she changed into her chosen attire.

Curiously, she pondered, 'I wonder if Peyton is ready to depart?' Following her dressing, Brooke proceeded to check on her blonde partner, who appeared to still be asleep.

Upon entering the room, she softly called out, 'Peytonnnnn, wake up,' playfully sneaking into the blonde's space. Upon reaching Peyton's bedside, Brooke excitedly leaped on top of the slumbering blonde, cheerfully exclaiming, 'Wake up P. Sawyer,' while positioning herself with her legs on either side of Peyton's sprawled-out body.

"Awaken, awaken!" Brooke jolted on top of Peyton in an attempt to rouse her. "Come on, Peyton Elisabeth Sawyer, arise." She let out a small noise of surprise as she felt an arm encircle her waist and draw her downwards. "Excuse me, madam?" a drowsy Peyton inquired as she maneuvered them so that Brooke was beneath her.

"Hey..." Brooke pouted as she found herself on her back with Peyton holding her down. The brunette gazed into Peyton's eyes. "I wouldn't have needed to jump on the bed if somebody was already awake," Brooke remarked as she pushed against the blonde's chest to free herself.

"Is that so?" Peyton questioned, observing the brunette's pout. "Yes, we have a rendezvous in an hour or less," she complained while attempting to slip out from under the blonde.

Peyton couldn't resist laughing. "Forgive me, princess, for not wanting to get up immediately, but I suppose you're correct," she quipped as she kissed the brunette before moving away from Brooke.

Brooke observed Peyton rising from bed, stating, 'About time sleepy head, you're worse than Haley.' As she observed her girlfriend getting dressed, Peyton inquired, 'How am I worse than Haley?' as she put on black jeans, a black and white flannel shirt, and boots.

Brooke responded with a click of her tongue, explaining, 'Because she's difficult to wake up when we were living together, especially when I accidentally knocked over a glass while putting something on the wall, and she didn't even stir.' The blond chuckled as she finished dressing and teasingly asked the brunette, 'Ready to go, miss impatient?'

Brooke nodded with a smile and eagerly left the room, saying, 'Ready to go? Yes. Ready to have fun with the best girlfriend ever? Yes.'

Peyton, noticing Brooke's cheerful mood, remarked with a smile, 'Someone seems to be in a great mood considering what happened yesterday,' pleased to see the return of the old Brooke.

Brooke requested, 'Let's forget about what happened in the last two days and look forward to our date,' as she walked into the kitchen to prepare coffee for both of them.

Peyton replied with a smile, 'That sounds good to me.' She followed Brooke and expressed concern, 'How are you feeling? Are you in any pain at the moment?'

Worried she may have been too rough, causing Brooke more discomfort than intended. Brooke reassured Peyton, 'Nope, I'm completely pain-free, thanks to the pills the doctor prescribed.'

Peyton advised, 'On this date, don't push yourself too hard; you still need to heal.' Brooke assured, 'Don't worry, I won't overdo it.' She suggested, 'Let's have fun and focus on us, without any other distractions.'

Upon the blond nodding with a smile and stating, 'Sounds good to me,' while picking up her cup and taking a drink, she proceeded to ask, 'Ready to go, Brookie?' as she walked to grab her keys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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