Chapter 29: Awakening of Evil

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I own nothing.
So going forward, I'm not gonna do play-by-plays for duels cause this duel alone was four episodes long and they're only gonna get longer from here. I'll keep the cool moments and vital moves while summarizing the other turns.
Chapter 29: Joey vs 'Marik'

Rain was prepping her deck for the next rounds, mentally preparing in case she was chosen to duel Marik. Just as she finished up, a knock came from the door.
"Coming!" She said, opening the door to reveal a nervous looking. "Hey, Yugi. Did you forget something?"
"Err, no." He answered. "We have...a visitor."
"A what?"
"Rain." A familiar voice said from behind her.
The Wayfarer shrieked and jumped to Yugi's side, turning her head to their elusive friend. "Shadi! I will bell you like a cat if you keep appearing out of nowhere!"
"My apologies." The mysterious man said. "I needed to speak to both of you. You've both learned so much. You're beginning to understand your fates, fates that intertwine with those of the spirits who dwell within your Millennium Items."
"More now." Yugi said. "Rain told me about (Y/N) and Yami's legend."
"Correct." Shadi affirmed. "And together, you must save the Earth."
"From the ancient evil." Rain finished. "Any chance you can explain how?"
He shook his head. "I am but the Guardian of the seven Millennium Items. I am here because I sensed a disturbance in the mystic alignment once again. The seven Millennium Items, along with the Millennium Bracelet, are all on board this vessel, as well as the three Egyptian god cards, meaning, the tools to save or destroy the world are all present, and the Earth's safety rests with you both. Heed my words: if the wrong individuals were to gain control of any of the Millennium Items or one of the Egyptian god cards, the results could be catastrophic. It nearly happened once before, with Maximillion Pegasus."
"You mean his trip to Egypt?" Rain remembered. "When you first gave him the Millennium Eye?"
Shadi nodded. "Precisely. Pegasus became obsessed with the Shadow Games and sought to resurrect the ancient mystical powers he discovered, but it nearly destroyed him. Pegasus did not know his limits, but he would come to discover he'd unleashed a power far beyond his control."
"Please, tell us more." Yugi asked. "Just how did all this start?"
"During his early research trips, Pegasus discovered the Egyptian god monsters. He traveled to an ancient pyramid where the stones depicting the monsters were hidden."
Shadi went on to explain that he had been the one to lead Pegasus through the pyramid to resting place of the tablets and how though he was destined to reawaken them, Pegasus couldn't control them. In addition, the rest of the expedition party were wiped out in one misfortune after the other, leaving him the sole survivor. He attempted to create the cards himself, only to receive a terrible vision of the gods rampaging through Egypt.
"I warned Pegasus to return the cards to their resting place, or risk their power destroying himself and the world, and he complied, sealing the prototypes in the tomb alongside the original carvings, and alongside Ishizu Ishtar, the god cards were locked away."
"Until Marik stole them." Rain said.
Shadi nodded. "Yes, and if he were to get his hands on all 3, the results would be devastating. Pegasus made further attempts to gain power to counter the gods, which brought him to the Wayfarers."
"He found out there was an eighth item." Rain realized. "One that was created to drive back darkness."
"Indeed." Shadi affirmed. "By fate, your mother and Pegasus's wife knew each other well enough that she was able to transcribe stories from your people, including the bracelet. Pegasus sought to control the artifact in hopes it could stop the gods should they be unleashed."
"That must've been when he went to my gramps house. But it didn't matter. The bracelet can only be wielded by a Wayfarer."
Shadi shook his head. "Not just any Wayfarer. There have been those who have called upon pieces of its power, but the bracelet has only chosen three masters in its existence. However, even with its power, should the gods be unleashed, it could cause utter calamity."
Just then, Yami and (Y/N) took over.
"I can assure you, Marik will never hold all 3 Egyptian god cards." Yami promised.
Shadi knelt. "My Pharaoh, my Queen. It is an honor for me to be in your presence once again, and I have great confidence in you both. I know that you will restore order to the world and put an end to this chaos, just as you did 5000 years ago. My complete faith lies in you."
The PA system suddenly went on, getting the attention of the duelists. "All remaining finalists must now report to the main concourse!"
When the two turned back, Shadi had vanished, leaving them stumped.
"Perhaps Rain has a point about that bell." (Y/N) commented, which her husband nodded to.
"It's time, you guys." Yugi said, appearing in spirit form.
"He's right." Rain agreed. "I have a feeling Shadi will come to us if we need more information. Let's just focus on dueling for now."
"All right." The former Queen said. "After all, the future of mankind is depending upon us."

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