nct taeyong brain tumor dreamers

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Taeyong always knew that one day was going to be the end of his life. It was just something he knew to be a truth with every living being and that it was eventually going to be a last day for him, but he never imagined that it was going to be within the age of 29.

He knew the likelihood of it happening with his condition, after all it was eventually going to kill him since it was chronic, he just didn't think he would deteriorate so fast, no one did.

Taeil appeared at the door, wooden and final.

He had been the first to receive the message from the leader, asking for his presence at the hospital room that would be the last place he would take a breath in this cruel world. Poetic if anything, but still had the ability to crush the elder's heart just that little more.

The American was stood there.

Hospitals meant money to Johnny, something that should be avoided as much as possible, but this was the place that contained a man who held Johnny's heart, someone who would never be replaced or joined by anyone. Taeyong would be the only person to hold Johnny's heart.

"I can see you thinking." Taeyong said softly, patting at the sheets beside him. Johnny had no idea how the younger was still positive when he might die at any point. The doctor were still positive that Taeyong was stable and seeming to be stable so far, but Johnny knew better then to hold out hope that Taeyong would make it to August and beyond.

Jisung loved his hyung.

His illness wouldn't change how much Jisung absolutely loved Taeyong until the very end.

"You don't want to talk to the Wishes?" He asked softly, sitting next to his hyung on the bed, snuggled in between all of the wires of machines that kept his hyung comfortable.

"No." Taeyong shook his head. "As much as I have talked to them all, it doesn't feel right to have one on one time with them then like I'm doing with you lot."

"Um." Jisung's voice shook, but he needed to get this out, for his hyung. "Taeyong-hyung was the first person I told that my dad is also dead." He looked around briefly, to all of the faces in front of him, to the people who were also celebrating Lee Taeyong's life. "And his piece of advice is one that I will never forget. He said to me "Jisungie, there is nothing worse in life then someone important to you passing away." and it made me feel better about it, even though it had been many, many years since it happened. But I think I get it now. Hyung was like a surrogate father, someone I could rely on like a father and I had placed too much importance in my surrogate father always being there and-" Jisung sighed softly, looking up to the ceiling of the church for a second. "I don't think I can do that anymore. It might never happen again, those two incidents being isolated in the grand schemes of life, but two people is enough and I want Taeyong-hyung to always be my final surrogate father."

And he nodded to himself, not looking up to see any of the tears shed for the confession of a lifetime.

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