45 3 7

May 10th, Year 2011

Will Solace waited for Nico to arrive at the dining pavilion where most campers had already gotten their breakfast. When a familiar Italian boy walked through the pillars Will walked up to his black-haired friend and he was glad to see that he looked like he slept well. “I assume you got a good night's rest?” Will asked and Nico chuckled slightly while putting a hand on his neck. “Clovis practically knocked me out. But yes no nightmares and a full night's rest, uninterrupted.” Will hummed, “Good you’ll need to be there more, not saying you can’t sleep in your cabin or rest there, but it’s best you stick to the Hypnos Cabin for a bit.” The son of Apollo explained to his best friend and Nico nodded in agreement and without protest. Which did in fact throw off Will, but he left his thoughts unsaid.
Soon after breakfast, Nico wandered into the arts and crafts section where most campers were making bronze steel weapons or sketching their ideas at the tables around the forge. However as Nico gazed around his sight landed on a familiar bed-headed blond, Clovis. Alongside him were his siblings, whom Nico rarely ever saw. There was a girl who looked around the age of 14 with ombre hair, and honey-colored skin along with violet eyes, and a small boy who looked 9 or 8, had curly black hair with amber-colored skin and violet eyes. The closer Nico walked he saw them knitting, the girl knitted a pastel pink quilt and the small boy seemed to be knitting stuffed animals, and Clovis was knitting a black quilt.

“Clovis? I don’t think that's exactly what they want you to make.” Nico said, gesturing towards Leo and his cabin mates who were helping others at the forge. Clovis looked back at Nico, meeting the son of Hades’ eyes and he smiled, “Chiron really doesn’t like it when we work in the forge, since we have such high chances of falling asleep mid-way. I told you we made quilts, didn't I?” Nico nodded and walked forward and sat next to Clovis, being careful not to move the table they were at. “Glad you're here though, turns out Lou took the last black quilt we had. So, I’m making yours right now, but I wanted to know if you wanted any patterns on it?” Clovis asked through a yawn and as he rubbed his eyes. Nico looked at the black quilt and though he thought of skulls, he didn’t say anything. Clovis noticed the pondering look and decided for the black-haired boy, “How about little ghosts?” Clovis suggested gently and Nico chuckled but nodded. Nico then sat next to the blond and his siblings enjoying the afternoon breeze and free hour with Clovis.


It had already been about two weeks since Nico started to sleep in the Hypnos cabin for better rest and he had both a new friend and a new blanket. Nico would wake up every morning to find Clovis holding his hand, and to which Nico would carry the blond to his bunk which was just beside Nico’s. Tuck him in and later spend his free time with Will in the infirmary or with Clovis who occasionally came out of his cabin. But today was a bit different, it wasn’t often Cabin 15 participated in Capture The Flag but they were awake this time and they were allied with Cabin 13 or rather just Nico.
The teams were Athena, Hermes, Poseidon, Apollo, Hephestus, Hades, Hecate, Tyche and Hypnos. Then the second team is Zeus, Ares, Demeter, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Iris, Nike, Nemesis, and Hebe. Nico knew well they would win like usual (because they have both Annabeth and Percy) and it was always funny to see Jason and Percy fight, if not Nico knew full well he could just shadow travel to get the flag, though he also knows that the Ares cabin wouldn’t be too happy with that.
Everyone lined up on their sides and suddenly Nico felt pressure on his right shoulder, he snapped his head to the right and there was a familiar blond falling asleep on his shoulder. “Clovis!” Nico whispered and Clovis snapped open his eyes only for his eyes to slightly fall again as he looked at Nico and smiled. “Don’t go falling asleep like that in battle, yeah?” Clovis raised his head slightly and shrugged, “If I’m not in my cabin, I really only fall asleep when I feel safe. That’s why I’m always asleep during Capture the Flag, it makes me feel like I’m in danger.” Nico couldn’t help but feel warm at the fact that Clovis indirectly admitted feeling safe when he was around. Nico hummed in acknowledgment and Annabeth instructed Nico to one place and cabin 15 to another, to which Clovis groaned in Nico’s shoulder in silent retaliation. Patting Clovis’ head and wishing him luck Nico walked off, and he couldn’t help but notice the glaring gazes of the Ares cabin to which Nico’s eyes turned red as he glared harshly back at them. Nico heard the horn that signaled the game had begun. Nico was on the offense and he quickly fled to find the red flag but he couldn’t help but notice the multiple footsteps that followed after him.
In the distance, Nico saw a familiar red flag but suddenly a large hand grabbed the backside of his armor and dragged him backward. Grabbing the dagger out of his boot Nico skimmed the skin of the person behind him, an Ares kid. They winced and brought their slightly cut hand to their chest and very quickly Nico was surrounded by four other Ares kids. Large Ares kids. “Can’t have you cheating Di Angelo can we?” The cut one asked and Nico held back a scoff. “I didn't shadow travel.” “Don’t need to, you’ve done it multiple other times.” Nico frowned as all five took out daggers and swords while stepping toward the son of Hades. “Scared Di Angelo?” One of them asked and Nico’s eyes turned red and the ground shook. “Aw need help son” The Ares’ children's eyes started to drop and their knees buckled, and Nico quickly suffered the same effect. There was the sound of branches cracking and all six directed their attention to the sound, and there was Clovis. He walked slowly to the group, but the closer he got the more tired the others became and all the Ares’ kids were brought to their knees as their eyes closed and they fell over with large thuds. Nico finally started to fall after them, losing his grip on consciousness, but was caught and the sleepiness started to leave his body. Looking up Nico saw Clovis who gave him a lazy smile, “I was looking for you, I forgot to give you something before the game started.” Clovis pulled out a ring in the shape of a water drop before he flicked his wrist showing a beautiful Stygian Iron and Silver dagger with a tree engraved into it. Clovis pointed the hilt to Nico and helped the boy to his feet properly, Nico stood on his own and took the dagger from Clovis.

“I had Leo make it for you, and Lou cast a spell on it. But I added just one component to it.” Nico looked at his blond-haired friend and Clovis grabbed the pummel of the hilt and pulled out a vile of white liquid. “Water of the River of Lethe,” Clovis said, tiredly like something so powerful didn’t matter to him. Clovis handed the vial back to Nico and the Italian boy put the vial back in the hilt. The son of Hades opened his mouth to speak but quickly stopped as Percy came from the forest to take the flag with loud clashing behind him. Percy grabbed the flag and turned over to Nico, “Take this back to- oh.” Percy gestured to the five Ares kids who lay asleep and Nico pointed at Clovis who gave the sea green-eyed boy a wave. Percy’s expression changed to an impressed one before continuing what he was saying before. “Take this back to base yeah?” Nico nodded and grabbed the flag from Percy, Nico jogged to the tree line of the forest as he heard thunder in the distance, signaling Jason was near. Clovis grabbed onto Nico as he shadow traveled through the shadows of the trees, when he reached his destination he looked at Clovis bewildered.

“Don’t do that again.” Clovis gave Nico an apologetic smile and the dark-haired boy couldn’t stay upset. Nico went past the defense team and put the red flag down next to the blue one and the defense team of Apollo and Tyche kids cheered and blew the horn, signaling the game was won. Once again Nico felt pressure on his shoulder and he knew the son of Hypnos had fallen asleep right there.

Nico lay in the gray clouds with Clovis beside him, both enjoying the peace. But when Clovis jolted up and Nico felt like he was somehow falling asleep in his dream he knew something was wrong. Clovis felt the disruption and a familiar presence, he looked in every direction and eventually, his eyes landed on a man with white hair, violet eyes, and a black cloak. “Morpheus?” Clovis questioned, something was off. Morpheus felt weaker? “Clovis, I need your help. Please! Epiales has me! I’m stuck in the Nightscape!” Clovis narrowed his eyes at his half-brother. “If I recall the last time I saw you, you were working with Kronos.” “It’s nothing like that I swear! Clovis please!” Morpheus begged as it looked like he was fading away. “Look see I’m not lying!” Clovis still said nothing and Morpheus’ eyes darkened. “Help me. Clovis, you will help me. Or I’ll take that boy’s dreams away, I’ll take away all his mental stability that he has left, I will leave him with no hopes, no dreams. Nothing. Help me Clovis.” Clovis’ face dropped and he grew angry but he knew well that Morpheus would do something like that, he knew his brother well. “I’ll rescue you, but Nico won’t be losing his dreams.”

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