17 2 0

May 25th, Year 2011

Nico’s mouth fell open as Rachel caught her breath, Clovis seemed a little dazed while Chiron held the bridge of his nose, Annabeth was already muttering to herself, Percy waited nervously, and Mr. D seemed like he could care less about the situation. “First thing-” Chiron started, “Last night almost every camper has reported horrible nightmares, and while that’s quite normal for you kids. They reported that these nightmares were just screams and scratching from an unknown source, but when some of them woke up their ears were bleeding and they had swollen scratches on their bodies.” The director explained while Annabeth spoke up. “While most did suffer such nightmares, just the chthonic demi-gods were the ones to have suffered such injuries; the only ones who have not are Nico and the Hypnos cabin.” Everyone started theorizing while Clovis finally spoke up. “Epiales. Epiales is the one doing this. I didn't know he could inflict nightmares in such a way but it is him.” Chiron gestured for Clovis to continue, and Clovis suddenly felt nervous with all the sudden quietness. “I know what the prophecy speaks of to an extent, last night I was approached by br-, half-brother, Morpheus. He said Epiales has taken him to the Nightscape or Nightmarescape but that really doesn’t roll off the tongue that well. Anyway, I’m not sure what the entire prophecy means but the one who screams is Epiales, the Nightmares of screaming and scratching it’s Epiales' way of invading the fears of man.”

Everyone took time to process the information given to them, and then Percy spoke up.”What is the Nightscape and are you physically able to travel there?” “That’s your first question Seaweed Brain? Should we even help Morpheus? After the whole putting endless sleep thing I don’t think we need to.” Chiron looked conflicted as did Nico. “Yes, we need to save Morpheus. As much as I can understand your concern since the first war, Morpheus is needed. If you want those Nightmares to stop, Morpheus is the answer to the problem, he’s careless about his role as the God of Dreams and that allows us to control our dreamscapes. To see other demi-gods in danger or have the Fates reach out to us and warn us of the coming future. If Morpheus fades away in the Nightscape he will not return and we will be left with Epiales.” Clovis said as he did his best not to seem so hurt by Annabeth’s comment.

“But aren’t Phobetor and Phantasos also in that mix?” Mr. D asked, finally taking somewhat of an interest in the conversation, and Clovis nodded before he explained. “Phobetor acts through Epiales, and much like Thanatos, he’s just doing his job. Phantasos acts through Morpheus, without Morpheus Phantasos’ prophetic dreams will not reach us.” Mr. D hummed in acknowledgement and Nico finally spoke up. “Percy has a point then, if Morpheus is going to be saved we need to know if the Nightscape can physically be reached.” Chiron nodded and everyone else slowly came to agree as well. And Clovis pondered for a moment before he became concerned, “The River Cocytus, at the bottom of the river is the domain of Epiales, the Nightscape.” Everyone hummed in disappointment but nodded, “Well-” Chiron started, bringing everyone’s attention to him. “It is quite obvious that young Clovis is the one for this quest, but he still must choose two others. Round up the Head Counselors.”

From the minute Clovis stood in the middle of the circle, he knew full well who he’d be choosing. After Chiron announced every camper who stood there proud and ready, Clovis looked at Lou Ellen Blackstone, The daughter of Hecate. Hecate much like Morpheus sided with Kronos during the first war and Clovis often found himself confiding in Lou for comfort when every camper looked at him like he was the one who put all of Manhattan to sleep. Which Lou Ellen and her siblings could relate to, campers often looked at them fearfully and maybe that’s why Lou Ellen and her cabin got along so well with Nico Di Angelo.

Everyone waited silently for Clovis, anticipating what kind of people he’d surround himself with. That to say many campers felt fearful when he called Lou Ellen Blackstone up and onto his team, they would be the same pair that put Manhattan to sleep, a Son of Hypnos and a Daughter of Hecate. “-And Nico Di Angelo.” Campers started to break into a whispering crowd and though it hurt him to admit even Chiron was slightly afraid of such a trio, a trio made of the Underworld. “If I may my boy? Why Nico and Lou?” Chiron asked and Clovis looked at Nico and Lou who both now stood on both sides of the blonde. Clovis pondered for a moment, he knew exactly why he picked Lou, to prove to the campers that they were not Morpheus and Hecate. But he didn’t think that that was the best thing to say to Chiron, and he picked Nico because of a multitude of reasons, some personal and some not.

“I picked Lou because the river will need some kind of magic to stop it from tearing us apart and Nico because, well, a lot of reasons, I think two wars proved that but mostly because he’s the Son of Hades and is our best bet when it comes to the Underworld.” Nico and Lou looked down with happy grins on their faces and Chiron lifted his head in approval, “Well get your things together, you’ll be leaving by the next hour.” The trio nodded and walked off to the cabins, “Well. We’re screwed.” Lou said sarcastically, “Oh yeah definitely.” Nico said and Clovis started to laugh.

Clovis stopped what he was doing when he felt someone enter the cabin, turning around, the violet-eyed boy saw the camp medic, Will Solace. “Hey Clovis, just thought I should drop this off for you, Nico, and Lou.” Will walked up to Clovis and handed him a fairly medium-sized bag full of pouches of Ambrosia and Vials of Nectar. “Thank you, Will. I say that quite often now considering how Butch has the need to shove pencils up my nose.” Will chuckled and patted Clovis’ shoulder comfortingly. “Hey, Clovis?” Clovis looked at the Son of Apollo and Will continued, “Keep Nico safe, he’s been through enough. And while I understand he’s strong, every Achilles has a heel.” Clovis nodded understandingly, remembering the nightmares he often fought as of recently to keep Nico’s mind at ease. “He’ll be safe, just as Lou will, and even me.” Will nodded gratefully and walked out of Cabin 15 with a small smile on his face like he understood something Clovis didn’t.

Clovis, Nico, and Lou all shivered as they walked past the Golden Fleece, no going back now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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