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May 25th, Year 2011

Clovis knew Nico’s peaceful dreams well, but he was also fully aware of the nightmares that haunted the son of Hades. Every time Clovis held Nico's hand at night to keep the nightmares from plaguing the dark-haired boy’s mind, Clovis saw the horrors that lay beyond the pit of Tartarus. The Mansion of The Night’s terrors that Nico was forced to gaze upon by Nyx’s command, the isolation his soul and body suffered, the starvation, the thirst, the interaction with Cupid and his cruel game, Clovis had seen it all. Not that he had meant to, it was just a part of the process. And Clovis knew well that Morpheus would take away Nico’s peaceful dreams and leave him with the terrors that haunted his mind. And now Clovis had to make sure that that wouldn’t happen.

Clovis waited for Nico to wake up in the Dreamscape once more since Morpheus had put him asleep and quickly contemplated what to do to get to Epiales, The God of Nightmares who ruled over the Nightscape. Epiales was another son of Nyx and was Hypnos’ brother meaning Hypnos would know how to get Epiales or at least would catch wind of what he was trying to do. So Clovis had to contact his father, which was actually fairly easy compared to other demi-gods trying to contact theirs.

But trying to contact Hypnos now would mean leaving Nico alone, alone with the Nightmares that Clovis did his best to keep him from every night, even though Clovis knew he himself was slightly growing scared of the nightmares of Nico di Angelo’s mind. He did it because seeing Nico well-rested and happy put him at ease, he made Clovis feel safe and have the desire to step out of his cabin. The very cabin he used as a shield, to keep him safe physically and mentally, to be in constant protection of his father and safe from the manipulative people like Luke who he once saw as an older brother when he was in the Hermes cabin. Nico made Clovis feel safe, not necessarily forget the manipulations of the world, rather like he knew Nico would defend him from such people.

Clovis looked at the son of Hades who stirred awake, “Clovis?” Nico asked, confused, Clovis needed to wake up and get going to tell Chiron about what Morpheus had asked and figure out what Epiales was planning. But a selfish part of him wanted to stay right where he was at, with the son of Hades next to him and safe. “It’s time to wake up,” Clovis said a sentence in his life he hoped he’d never have to say. The son of Hypnos tapped Nico’s head and he watched Nico’s dreamscape self fade away, but as he did another presence entered the dreamscape, turning the now light land dark with nightmares. Epiales, He was here. Clovis turned around to face Epiales who looked like a lanky shadowy figure, and Clovis felt terrified in a place that he often sought comfort in. “What’s wrong nephew? Scared?” Epiales laughed and the more he did the more distorted the voice became.

Nico sat up with a jolt, it was odd of Clovis to wake him up. But Nico quickly turned his attention to Clovis’ hand that painfully gripped his, which was weird since Clovis was always gentle when he held his hand throughout the night. “Clovis are you alright?” Nico asked but gained no response. The son of Hades then noticed the pained expression that came upon Clovis’ face and Nico came to the realization that Clovis was having a nightmare. The son of the God of Sleep and the half-brother of the God of Dreams was having a nightmare. Nonetheless, Nico lifted Clovis onto the bunk and tried waking up the violet-eyed boy, “Clovis! Clovis! It’s not real! Wake up!” Nico chanted at the blond who started to tremble in Nico’s arms. “Clovis!” Finally, Clovis opened his teary eyes and almost jolted out of Nico’s grasp, to which the son of Hades tightened his grip. Clovis slowly started to grasp the fact that he was awake and safe from Epiales, and he was in the physical world with Nico.

Clovis shot forward and hugged Nico tightly to which the boy tensed but relaxed slowly. Clovis was in the real world safe from the God of Nightmares who dared to show him the faults of his past. He was safe here with someone who made him feel safe. “Nico, I don't want to be in my cabin,” Clovis whispered to Nico and the son of Hades didn’t ask any questions, he simply picked up Clovis and walked out of Cabin 15 and into the middle of the night. He trudged through Cabin 13 and laid down Clovis on an empty bunk, tucked him in, and sat on the floor while leaning against the mattress and grasping Clovis’ hand.

The same thing Clovis’ did to Nico when he spent his restful nights in the Hypnos Cabin, Clovis still shook slightly but said nothing. “Clovis?” Clovis turned his head to look at the son of Hades who already kept a steady gaze upon him. “What happened?” Nico asked, and Clovis gripped his hand tighter. “Epiales.” Nico understood immediately and simply nodded at Clovis. Before they knew it morning had come upon them but neither of the boys had slept since they had woken up. But Annabeth came quickly, rushing through the Hades Cabin door, this caused Nico to pull out his Stygian Iron sword and stand to attention. But when he both saw it was just Annabeth and the worried look on her face, he knew something was wrong. “To the big house, now. Both of you.” She said before quickly rushing there herself. Nico looked at Clovis and they both got up and out of the cabin quickly. Upon arrival, Nico saw Percy, Annabeth, Rachel, Chiron, and Mr. D, who all waited with looks on their faces and not good ones. The second Nico and Clovis entered the room completely Rachel’s eyes glowed and a wispy voice emanated through her.

“To the Shadows from the Dreams,
Beware the one who screams.
The Nights Chariot rides among the Stars,
While the one of Nightmares shows scars.
Fear the River of White, for a bond too tight,
And Beware the Endless Night.”

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