New memories means new understandings

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Ruby Rose opened her eyes and sat up with a yawn, stretching her arms a bit as she usually did in the morning. Just yesterday she had been accepted into Beacon Academy two years early, and she had been ecstatic. Finally she could fulfill her dream of becoming a huntress and saving people, to make up for what she had done to Y/N all those years ago.

However, something else was on her mind at the moment. What was on her mind?

Her past life.

Now, Ruby wasn't one to believe in reincarnation, she'd never really had much faith to any religion at all honestly, but she had just randomly gotten memories from her past life and they held some... interesting information that couldn't be made up.

Normally a person would probably freak out right about now, after all the average person doesn't just randomly wake up with memories of their past life, but Ruby was able to keep calm thanks to the memories of her past life 'teaching' her to keep calm in such a situation by simply keeping her thoughts away from the sudden influx of memories and on something else.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she decided to look through her memories, both new and old, to get a clearer understanding of her current situation. What was her situation exactly? She was in a stereotypical fanfic which revolved around an abused and neglected male reader.

In other words? She was fucked.

She took another deep breath to stop herself from freaking out. Freaking out would just lead to wasted time and cause her thoughts to scatter, so instead she focused on seeing if she could figure out the specific fanfic she was in. This turned out to not lead much of anywhere.

Her memories from her childhood with Y/N only led her to discover just how stereotypical they were. While she could rule out a handful of fanfics, there were still a large chunk left to consider, most of which either included her dying or getting added to Y/N's harem... Yeah, she was not going to fuck her brother or even so much as kiss him on the lips, no thanks.

She took another deep breath, which didn't work as well as the last two but it still worked well enough. What she needed was a plan to stop herself from dying in the near future, or being made one of Y/N's... fucktoys? Wives? She didn't know what to call his potential harem, but it wouldn't matter if she played her cards right.

She opened her eyes to check the time, having decided on an immediate plan of action and leaving her future self to make a long-term plan.

5:27 AM



She had a preference for 24-hour clocks in her past life due to the simplicity they brought, and that wasn't about to change now.

Ruby quietly stood up from her bed and used her semblance to dash through the floor of both her room and the room below to reach the basement, specifically the workshop part of the basement for weapons and equipment.

She began looking through the many blueprints she and her family had made as she thought through the immediate plan, which was to make her own version of Ember Celica for CQC* engagements, and possibly make a pair of long-fall boots using gravity dust. The main reason for this was to cover her weaknesses with her main weapon, but it was also so she could use some of the combat knowledge she had from her past life, since most of it was for H2H* and not for something like a certain High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe by the name of Crescent Rose.

[CQC stands for Close Quarters Combat, which refers to any close-range engagement between two or more people at close range, typically using firearms or simple H2H.]

[H2H, or HTH, stands for Hand to Hand, referring to two or more people fighting within grappling distance, or arms reach of one another.]

It didn't take very long to find the blueprints for Ember Celica, and it took even less time for Ruby's weapon obsessed mind to figure out a way to convert the shotgun shell feeder into a feeder that used the same bullets her Crescent Rose used, which seemed to be a type of .50 caliber round, although she could be wrong. 

As she began working on her new weapons, which she was still tossed up on a name for, her mind wandered into wondering about her past life. She had accepted it rather quickly, but Ruby was still curious about her old name and how she had died, both of which were easily answered.

In her past life Ruby Rose was known instead as... Well, she couldn't remember her name, but she could remember how she died. She died a slow death via a bullet wound somewhere near her heart after accidentally getting caught up in a gang fight. Her past life seemed to be filled with curiosity, which was why she now knew so much. So many different combat styles, new types of weapons, lots of fanfiction, and so much more filled her head.

Before any of you ask, this list of new knowledge does include NSFW stuff on both ends of the spectrum, so Ruby is no longer an innocent little bean, although that's the least of her concerns at the moment.

As she finished up thinking about what she now knew about her past life, she noticed she had actually finished making her new weapon. Now she just had to name it.

"Your name will be... Crimson Cecilia." Ruby decided as she held her new weapon up to get a better look at it. Crimson Cecilia was similar to Ember Celica since it used that weapon as a template with two key differences: Crimson Cecilia was red with soft-white accents instead of Ember Celica's golden color, and it used sniper rounds instead of shotgun shells.

Ruby strapped her new weapon to her wrists, letting the two gauntlets compact until they seemed almost like bracelets, before turning her attention to the clock on the wall.


"I thought that would take longer." Ruby muttered to herself thoughtfully before launching herself back up to her room to get ready for the day ahead. She put on her outfit for the day, remembering to lace up her boots to avoid accidents and putting on her cape/cloak because signature look reasons. It was only when she stopped to look in the mirror after she was done did she realize the outfit felt... wrong. Like she should be wearing something else, but she couldn't pinpoint what.

"Hey Ruby- oh!" Yang walked in to wake up her little sister, only to find out she was already awake and looking in the mirror, fully clothed and ready to go. She also seemed to be wearing something new on her wrists, but Yang didn't get much time to question it.

"Oh, hey sis! Are we going yet?" Ruby asked excitedly as she used her semblance to zoom in front of Yang, startling the older girl.

"Woah, calm down. We'll go soon, I just need to get some stuff, alright?" Yang responded, getting a zoomy nod from Ruby. Yang left to go finish getting ready, causing Ruby to sigh deeply before letting the smile fall off her face. She needed to pretend for now, acting like the same old cookie loving, shy little sister Yang remembered since revealing her new self now would cause issues.

Ruby took one good long look at her room, taking in all of the memories she had attached to the room, both good and bad, one last time before attaching Crescent Rose to her waist and closing the door, ready to start her new life. A life defined by her past life and present life, especially since...

New memories means new understandings.


Hello everyone, and welcome to my new fanfic!

This chapter is a short introduction to the idea of this fic, which revolves around the mc being stuck inside a stereotype.

What's her goal? That will come in the next chapter, because I don't want to stretch the opening chapter too much.

Also, this will be a fanfic where the mc gets very strong, so if you don't like that type of story you can go ahead and leave now, I don't mind.

This will also be following a lot of RWBY stereotypes, so there will be cringe stuff. I also haven't actually seen the show myself, most of what I know comes from fanfiction, so I guess that'll help with the stereotypical character writing.

With all that being said, let me know what you think of the first chapter,

yell at me to continue this fic,

and have a good existence, little stars!

Uploaded: March 21, 2024 10:32

Word count: 1444

Stereotype killer: Being abused and neglected isn't a fast track to godhoodWhere stories live. Discover now