First contact

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I quietly sat on one of the seats of the bullhead as it made its way to Beacon academy, the best school in all of Vale for training hunters and a literal beacon of Ozpin's progress over the years.

Should I use Ozpin or Ozma when I'm referring to him? Eh, I'll just use Ozpin so I don't accidentally say his real name aloud. Can't reveal what I know too soon.

Yang is currently chatting with some friends and looking away from me, so I can stop acting all chipper and excited for the moment and focus on trying to think of a long-term plan. Originally I was considering just fucking off and leaving Y/N to have his revenge on the rest of the Xiao-Long family while I went and hid in a cave somewhere.

That plan was tossed out when I remembered I was a fucking Soulsborne in my past life, having beat the main Dark Souls trilogy, Sekiro, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. I'm not about to tarnish my reputation over an edgy bastard's desire for revenge, so here are the main things I've decided to do for now while I work on my major end goal:

1. I want to test out a theory I'd seen regarding Ruby's, or I suppose I should say my, semblance. You see, while the original Ruby mainly used her semblance for bursts of speed, it's actually so much more than a simple speed boost. Petal Burst, which is the name of Ruby's semblance, allows her to break herself, and anyone she wants to bring with her, down to their molecular components, thus negating mass and moving extremely fast. The theory I remember seeing was about Ruby possibly being able to absorb other people with this semblance, thus gaining their strength, possibly their memories and skills, and maybe even their very souls. If this is the case, I could absorb people to get their physical capabilities, their skills, and even their auras and semblances, and I don't think I need to explain just how broken that is if it's true.

2. I want the Maiden powers. All of them. I plan to start by either killing Cinder before she gets to become a problem, or going down to the basement of Beacon and letting Amber get the rest she most definitely deserves via the use of my semblance. If the semblance theory doesn't work out, I'll just kill off Cinder first and then get to Amber second. Raven won't be much of a problem since I know for a fact she'll come out during the train incident, so long as said incident goes the same as canon. I can't say for certain how I'll get the Winter Maiden's powers since Fria is the current holder, but I'm sure I can think of something within the next year or so. Now that just leaves the major problem of absolutely no one knowing anything about the Summer Maiden, but I think I can glean some information from Ozpin if I play my cards right.

3. I want the relics. Now, if I were anyone else, I wouldn't go after the relics since they're locked behind giant doors, but since my semblance lets me go through walls I think I can get past the doors with just my semblance. Even if I can't I'm already planning on getting the Maiden powers so I can just unlock them whenever. The first relic I'll go for is the relic of choice, which just lets me see random future events. I won't get much use out of it, but I suppose I might find some niche use for it at some point down the line. The relic of knowledge is also another relic I won't get much use out of, especially due to its restrictions, but I suppose I could use it to figure out what Y/N has been up to since he ran away. The relic of creation is the main thing I want, mainly because I want to see if Ambrosius can make things from other worlds. As for the relic of destruction, it's connected to the Summer Maiden so I have no information on it. All I know is that it probably looks like a sword.

... You know, now that I'm actually thinking about it, the latter two plans hinge on that theory around my semblance being true. I can't handle more than one Maiden's power naturally, but I can handle more and more power the more people I absorb, so I can't go through with my second goal unless that theory is true. I also can't easily reach the relics without all of the Maiden powers, so if the theory is false I won't be able to reach the relics until way further down the line.

Stereotype killer: Being abused and neglected isn't a fast track to godhoodWhere stories live. Discover now