The first canon shift

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That's all I could see. For miles upon miles all I could see was the black void, an unending abyss that I could do nothing but stare into.

And then it started staring back.

Six massive slits of light looked back at me from the abyss, without any pupils to discern where it was looking. I don't know how, but I can tell it's looking at me. And it's curious about how I know of it.

My mind reels as I recognize the being before me, although I remove the thought from my mind. There was already one entity from the void connected to this world, why would there be two?

Why wouldn't there be two?

Tendrils begin to grab hold of me as I look at the massive entity before me, the one that can be called nothing less than a god. The tendrils cover my eyes, and I remember its name. The-


I shot up in my bed with a start, feeling fear creep up from my heart as my mind collected the fragments of my dream. The massive 'eyes', the absolute darkness, the tendrils. That was clearly the-

"No." I shook my head as I muttered a single word to myself, a good way to keep my thoughts from wandering. I looked around, my eyes landing on my sleeping team before I noticed the time.

04:45. Not even sunrise.

I got out of bed, clearly unable sleep after that dream, before making my way to the bathroom. Once the door was closed, I went over to the sink and washed my face to clear my head.

Cold water is always a good way to snap yourself out of a funk.

It was only when I looked back up did I notice my silver eyes had activated, the soft glow a clear sign of what I could do. I willed them off before turning on the bathroom light and removing my clothes for a good shower.

As I felt the water pour over my shaky body, I couldn't help but wonder why I had that dream. It felt so real, like the void was calling to me, but why had it happened?

"Probably because you plan to test your theory today."

Right. My theory about Petal Burst. That's today.

I couldn't help but let out a sigh as I thought about what today truly was. Today was the first day of classes, but it was also the first day I'd be able to freely roam Vale with my new goals once classes ended.

Finding a target wasn't a problem, I already had one in mind. There was an old huntsman by the name of Instar Navigatoris, which is literally just Semblance Navigator in latin. Whoever made this fic clearly isn't all too creative. Anyway, his semblance lets him know the semblance of anyone he looks at on command, which will be very helpful in the long run. I just...

I guess I'm apprehensive about killing an innocent person. Sure, I'm a little less guilty about it since he's 96 and will die soon anyway, but it still feels wrong to kill a huntsman that saved so many people.

But, life waits for no one. I've already done my research, and I know exactly what I'm going to do. Offer to help him walk home, and absorb him while we walk through the woods to his cottage. I can't back out now, not when I'm so close to the first step.

Sorry, Instar. I know you'll be remembered fondly.

I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off, got dressed in the school uniform along with my cloak, and then stepped out of the bathroom.

05:15. Still the only one awake.

I went over to my bag and started looking through my things. While I brought the essential stuff like clothes, body wash and shampoo, stuff to clean my teeth, I also brought some stuff to pass time. Like this book about the history of aura, and this book about the four maidens.

Stereotype killer: Being abused and neglected isn't a fast track to godhoodWhere stories live. Discover now