chapter three

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to crown...for the 135th time

Two years and nine months later:

One of the first rules Coralie learned as a Dresidian spy was simple: Don't get caught. Easy enough—she knew how to slink through the shadows without raising so much as a hair on the back of someone's neck. She expertly donned disguises to keep her identity concealed, and often went by a false name. Spy's were told only to communicate with one another if necessary—best not to be seen together, lest someone manage to get themselves caught. If they were to converse, it was only in public spaces with many eyes around—and a coded language was used to convey high-value intel. Thus the second rule: Speak in code.

For example, the third letter of every word created a new word, one simple enough to convey a message. If the word was cake, the true message was to deliver the poison in the form of food: "Before I leave, Aliénor, do remember—Society drains fake faeries."

Or for those who wish to make things more fun, the full message would be: "Before I leave, Aliénor, do remember: Society drains fake faeries; kakistocracy aids selfish children; tomorrow charms dreams; knowledge sits beneath flags." The code switches up after the first word—but that's for the recipient to find out. Usually, a code is decided between the spies before messages are delivered.

The third rule required a lot of background knowledge, so the spies often studied hard during their free time: Memorize everything about each realm—that includes their monarchs, the nobles, any guards, political alliances, packs and kingdoms, the fighting styles of their armies, religious traditions and rituals, economic status, and order of succession. There was more, but the spies had to work up to gain that knowledge

So brought Coralie standing in a board room at the Scarlet Palace of Rozarya with dozens of high officials and monarchs. She shifted anxiously in her silk dress and smiled at Nishei Bonaventura, who had been eyeing her with utmost intrigue since she entered the room. Aliénor stood across the room, chatting with Alpha Calixton Everette. He was the latest alpha to take on the position in Neomenia, Celestia—and he was all anyone could talk about.

Yet, that wasn't what brought them here in this room. Only a few people there knew the truth of what was to be revealed—of who was yet to walk through that door with knowledge that could divide the realms and spark a war.

Coralie was one of those people...and she currently wasn't being a good actress.

Or was she?

"So," Nishei murmured into her ear, "I've never seen you before." His gaze swept over her gown. She felt like he could see through her. "But you seem...familiar." He trailed a finger down her spine at the last word. She stiffened.

Remember your rules, she chastised to herself. She gave a shy smile. "Prince Nishei—"

He cocked a grin at her over her shoulder. "Please." He lifted her hand to her lips and pressed a kiss to her fingertips. "You can just call me Nishei."

This time, the heat that blazed her cheeks wasn't feigned. "P-prince Nishei, I'm simply a lower fae of Dresidia—if you've seen me, perhaps it was in the Fortress halls—"

She just wanted his hands off of her.

Coralie cast a wary gaze across the room to Aliénor, who was giggling into her palm at something Alpha Everette said. His eyes, however, bore holes straight through her. A grisly shiver forced her hand away from Nishei's, which she now wound tightly through her other as she cleared her throat. "I believe we're starting soon."

Whatever protest Prince Nishei might have made died on his tongue as the doors swung open. The High Lord of Rozarya, Zebron Bonaventura entered swiftly, followed by the Goddess of Celestia, the Emperor of Eloria, and the Queen of Dresidia. Murmurs started around the room as everyone took in the sight before them—three young rulers with exceptional skill, and a wrinkled old man who looked near to keeling over because of a strong wind.

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