chapter five

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maiden, the clouds are thickening

Coralie lit the incense on the altar and blew out the matchstick. The strong scent of frankincense filled the air, and she released a long breath and looked up at the domed ceiling. "Gosh, this is stupid," she mumbled to herself with a shake of her head. She sank down onto the steps of the altar and sighed again.

"Geiya, you did this to me," she began after a while. "You made me what I am, and when I thought... When I thought about giving up, you gave me hope–only to take it all away again with this stupid mess with the Void."

She paused to think for a moment, trying to scour her memories of what happened in the Realms after her death. Not that she could remember much...

"I don't understand what it is you want from me," she whispered finally. "What is it that you want me to do? And why me? Why not...her?" She picked at her nails and released a deep sigh. "Why not Alidriseth or Elliressa or Nishei or anyone else that still has so much life to live. I've already lived my life."

She lifted her head to stare at the ceiling. Stained glass windows reflected cool toned colors down on her, and she relished the feeling of tranquility it brought her. She stared for a long time, just sitting in the silence and trying to let go of the fear that was telling her to give up.

Coralie wasn't surprised when there was sound from below, on the altar. She didn't turn to look, only leaned back and continued to stare at the ceiling. She already knew who had come to see her.

"How is it that you have so much faith, yet it's so weak?" the voice said to her after a few moments. The sound of footsteps continued across the altar until they paused just a few feet away from her. "Do you not trust me?"

She closed her eyes and sighed. "Right now, I really don't." When she opened her eyes again, she lifted her hand above her head and twisted it in the streams of light. "What happened to Odalis?"

"You will see him again, my child of the moon."

"That's not enough," Coralie whispered. But if it needed to be enough, she'd let it be. She had to. "How can I see him sooner?"

There was a long beat of silence. Coralie lifted her head after a moment, realizing that she was alone. She sighed. Was it too much to hope for?


That you and me. It wasn't enough though, Odalis. "Maybe we were just never meant to be."

Calix stepped out of the shadows. I stiffened the moment our eyes connected. "How is it that you're everywhere?"

I stood, and gathered my skirts as I walked down the altar steps. She walked past him, making a point to glare openly. "You heard everything I said."

They left the cathedral. A fresh, hot breeze carried with it the scents of dahlias, peonies, and roses. Coralie breathed in deep.

He didn't respond. And she gave him a strange look. He merely shrugged. "Maybe I did, but it's not my business to ask you about it."

And they continued walking.

She watched the back of his head as they crossed the sand, making their way towards the Flame Path. Coralie watched as the sun set behind the wide expanse of flowers. She tried not to pay attention to Calix.

She wanted to remain detached from this. This was just another mission.

After many cherub statues and fountains of foxes, they found where all the people were gathered. Nishei gave sad, humble smiles—trying not to appear as if he was rejoicing in the late king's death.

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