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✔︎ - 𝙈𝙞𝙙 1967

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✔︎ - 𝙈𝙞𝙙 1967

"What are you looking at?", asked coretta.

Karla looked up from her picture. "The Jackson 5", replied karla. Coretta sat next to karla on the bed and looked at the picture. "New singing group?", asked coretta. "Sort of", replied karla.

"Do you have a favorite song?", asked coretta and played with karla's hair.

"I can't choose", replied karla. Coretta smiled.

"I wish I could meet them", said karla and kept staring at the picture. Coretta thought for a second. She stood up. "Hold that thought", said coretta and exited the room.

Coretta gently knocked on the door.

"Come in", said martin.

Coretta entered and gently shut the door behind ber. She smiled. "Hey", said martin and smiled.

"Hey darling, listen uh, there's this new group going around and karla really likes them", said coretta. Martin nodded and kept writing stuff on the papers on his desk.

"Martin put that pen down", said coretta.

Martin stopped writing and put the pen down.

"I've heard about them, they're all over the newspapers, maybe we can bring them here so karla can meet them", said martin and picked up the telephone. He put on his left ear.

"Right now?", asked coretta.

Martin nodded and dialed some numbers.


The phone rang startling Joseph.

"Somebody get that!", exclaimed Joseph.

Katherine was in the kitchen making an apple pie. Michael and tito ran to the telephone. Michael picked up the telephone and put on his ear.

"Jacksons household, how can I assist you?", asked michael.

Joseph snatched the telephone from michael. Michael looked up.

"Get out of here boy", said Joseph and put the telephone on his ear.

"Hello?", asked Joseph.

"Woman! Come quick!", exclaimed Joseph.

Katherine took off her apron and walked towards the living room.

"What?", asked katherine.

"It's martin luther king jr, he wants to meet the boys!", exclaimed Joseph.

At this point the whole house heard. The house started shaking a bit.

"Either an earthquake or those are our kids", said katherine.

Michael and the rest of his siblings made it to the living room.

"I heard it! Is it true?", asked latoya.

"No latoya, this is all a dream", replied Jackie.

"Yes it's true, get ready", said Joseph.


Karla was playing barbies with her little sister bernice.

Coretta put the pots and pans away. The doorbell rang.

"That must be them", said martin and stood up.

Martin lll, dexter, yolanda, and bernice followed their father. Martin opened the door.

Before martin opened the door, michael kept asking where were they.

"Evening, please come inside", said martin and stepped aside.

Michael just stood there and watched martin.

Michael's mouth was hung open.

Martin looked at michael and tilted his head. Martin smiled.

"Come on dear", said katherine extending her arm towards michael. Michael grabbed katherine's hand and entered.

"I'm glad you came", said martin and closed the door.

Coretta stood next to martin.

"These are my children, martin lll, dexter, bernice, yolanda, and karla", said martin.

"Say hello", said coretta.

They all waved.

Karla smiled and looked at michael.

Michael smiled back and waved.

"Our daughter really loves the Jackson 5", said coretta.

"Really?", asked Joseph as his grip on michael's shoulder tightened.

"Ow", said michael.

Katherine removed Joseph's hand from michael's shoulder.

Coretta smiled and nodded.

"Honey, show them your picture", said coretta.

Karla gave her picture to jackie. Jackie took it and signed it. He passed it to tito.

"I'm sorry mr king, were still....starstruck.....we just can't believe we are in your house, face to face with a man who wants racism to stop", said katherine.

Martin smiled.

Michael was the last one to sign the picture and gave it to karla. Karla took it and stared at michael.

"Our kids seem to really like each other", said coretta.

"Like? I say love", said tito.

Michael and karla kept maintaining eye contact. Their journey was just beginning.

𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏 𝙊𝙁 𝙂𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙎 | 𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙡 𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙤𝙣 ✓Where stories live. Discover now