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✔︎ - 2012𝙖𝙣 𝙤𝙥𝙧𝙖𝙝 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬

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✔︎ - 2012
𝙖𝙣 𝙤𝙥𝙧𝙖𝙝 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬

Janet opened the door. Oprah entered. "Hey, I'm so glad you came, they're in the backyard", said Janet. Oprah made her way to the backyard. Pearl, paris, prince, and bigi were sitting down.

"Hey everyone, I am here to interview you", said oprah and sat down.

The camera men turned on their cameras and started recording.

"Okay, I'm going to start with pearl first, by asking her questions", said oprah.

"What's one thing you wish that could stop?", asked oprah.

"Racism", replied pearl.

"Why is that?", asked oprah.

"I could've met my grandfather, he was killed by a white man, and so was my mother when I was nine years old, she was killed by the same man who killed my grandfather", replied pearl.

Oprah nodded.

"And how did you react when your mother died?", asked oprah.

"I was confused.....my dad started throwing things across the room, he screamed, my dad loved my mother so much", replied pearl.

"What did your father tell you before he died?", asked oprah.

"To always dream, to be like my grandfather", replied pearl.

Paris put her head on pearl's shoulder.

"You want racism to stop just like your grandfather wanted to?", asked oprah.

"She just said that", said bigi in a sassy tone.

Prince and paris laughed.

Oprah laughed.

"Were you there when michael died?", asked oprah.

Pearl nodded.

"Can you describe?", asked oprah.

Pearl nodded and sighed.

"I stayed there, I spent the night at his house, by morning I heard....like panicked voices, it was doctor murray, he was calling out for prince, his voice sounded like- like he was scared", said pearl.

"What else do you remember?", asked oprah.

Pearl looked at the sky then at oprah.

"When they announced that he had passed away...paris screamed and hugged my dad and she said no daddy no I don't want to go without you I wanna be with you, it's hard for me watching young children loose their parents", replied pearl.

"Your grandmother coretta scott king....she passed away in 2006 right?", asked oprah.

"Yeah that's right", replied pearl.

"Did you and the rest of the jacksons attend the funeral?", asked oprah.

Pearl nodded.

"She looked so peaceful, many people told me that day that....she's finally with your grandfather, she's come home, she's an angel now", said pearl.

Oprah smiled and nodded.

"Then a year later your aunt, yolanda king died right?", asked oprah.

Pearl nodded.

"How does it feel to have michael jackson as a dad and martin luther king jr as a grandfather? Do you feel famous?", asked oprah.

Pearl shook her head.

"I feel normal, to people around the world they see my dad as one of the greatest singers of all time but to me he is a father to me, my grandfather is a grandpa to me but to people he's an icon I mean kids learn about him in school including rosa parks", replied pearl.

"Do you all miss your dad?", asked oprah.

Pearl, prince, paris, and bigi nodded.

"Yeah, we wish he was here", replied paris.

"Blanket was the youngest when dad died, so he remembers some time he got to spend with dad", said pearl.

"I don't like my name, I'm not a blanket, I'm a person, I'm a living thing", said bigi.

They all laughed.

"You and pearl resemble michael a lot, paris has michael's smile and prince resembles michael's grandfather a lot", said oprah.

"Do you wish you could've gone with your mother that day?", asked oprah.

"Well the thing is that....I was supposed to spend that day with her but I was sick so I stayed home....If I went with her I wouldn't be here today", said pearl.

Oprah nodded.

"I feel like it was some sign you know", said pearl.

Oprah nodded.

"You will always remember your father, grandparents, mother, and aunt right?", asked oprah.

"Always, till the day I die", replied pearl.

"No, I don't want you to die", said bigi.

"You better not die", said paris.

"Who's going to cook for us?", aske prince.

Pearl and oprah laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll never die", said pearl.

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