Good times(edited)

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I woke up to my mother waking me up to get ready for today i jumped up from the bed and changed into something more day like

I opened the door and smelled my favourite food, Ramen

"Moooom who will train me today"i asked her pulling on her sleeve

"oh calm down sweetie dad will train you today but remember to practice what i trained you its not all about the physical training you know honey"my mother said petting my head smiling and pointing to the chair

"i know mom dont worry, oh and mom when will i get more scrolls i already read all of the other ones" i smilled at her while sweatdroping and scratching my head, you see i really love reading and i memorise things quickly

"sure but only after i give you a test about them" my mother said putting some ramen on my plate

i smilled and nodded at her

i dived into the ramen and finished it quickly i just wanna go train

"Daddd daddd daddd come onnn lets go train papaaaaaa come on" i said pulling on his sleeve

"Haii sweetie give me a minute yea?" he said while pooking my forhead

i nodded and ran to my room to take the old scrools to my mom

as i was walking back dowm i hear papa saying to mama "The time is coming we have to teach her quickly" huh? oh well it probably nothing

i went to the living room and dropped all the scrolls on the table

"alright honey lets start"my mom said dropping a paper infront of me it was a test with 10 questions
1.whats sharingan and what stages are  there
2.who are all the past hokages and curend hokages in all villages
3.whats chakra
4.whats T&I
5.what are the hand signs of summoning jutsu

And many more they were all easy so i finished it quickly after that i walked with my dad to out garden and he tought me more taijustu!

"honey i have something for you" he said hiding something behind his back

It was a white katana with a black handle its guard was also white with gold chains

"PAPA I LOVE IT THANK YOUUU" i threw myself on him hugging him as tight as i could

soon it was night time and during that time i read and pracitice everything i have been thought

imma start with my mamas training i meditated for 30min then i read some more scrols about the history and jutsus

Next wad my work out that took 40min then i practiced my awesome katana for another 30min

I fell asleep really fast

Tomorrow was the same as today but i went to the park alone this time

I loved my village all the people here valued education and were nice to me

it felt rather uneasy today so i didnt stay much at the park i went home quickly after i got there i opened the door and i saw my mother bleeding on the floor as rouge ninjas from sound stood infront of them My mom mouther do me

'Bedroom bedside table 2 drawer 4scrolls be quiet' i felt tears filling my eyes and i hid so they wont notice it i  masked my chakra and waited until they were gone

the second they left i ran to my mom and dad

Dad was dead but mother was still breathing barelly

"listen honey What you read on that scrolls be careful with it please dont revenge us we will be watching you, be careful alright honey"my mom said smiling as blood was dripping out of her mouth the hand she had caresing my cheek fell

"MOM mom no please i need you i cant do this alone please dont leave me mom MOM please talk to me everything will be alright" i told her gripping her shirt crying and sobbibg

"i will never leave you baby" she said smilling whispering even tho i was crying i noticed she was gone this were her final words

i heard a scream outside out house and as if someting awoke in me i ran to my parents bedroom and looked for the scrolls it wasnt hard to find them since it said for Akane

i took them put them in a bag took some money and left as soon as i can

i noticed it wasnt only my parents dead it was the whole village

even tho it wasnt big it was my home.

i felt my eyes tearing up i heard talking close to me and i ran for my life i didnt make noise thanks to my dad and his insane traning that i loved

Dear god help me was my only thought as i ran and ran i felt my legs giving out i soon colapsed close to konoha

i gave a sigh of relief as i could finaly rest.

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