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When i woke up i felt numb nothing felt real, i didnt know what to do i remembered the future i can see i decided to see it for myself

i closed my eyes trying to be at peace, when i opened them i saw 3 buttons just like my mom said there will be i also saw a timer i clicked at it and it said 1minute-death oh, lets see what will happend in an hour

i saw myself in the hokages office talking about the academy i left it quickly

i moved the timer till death i saw myself talking to some people while the kyuubis attacked everyone i moved infront of someone i could really make the face up 

i left the future sweating and shaking its been an hour since that happend i should soon be at the hokages office

just at the cue i heard a knock on my door it was an anbu with a weird mask oh well i shrugged, they lead me towards the office until i realised i still have 3 scrolls from my family

i wonder whats in it

soon we arrived and again the same old voice answered behind the door "come in"

i took a big breath and walked in

"hello lord hokage you called for me" i said smiling

"ahh yes you see child it would be a good idea to inrol you in the academy but i know you know everything thats thought there but some friends are good"he said taking a puff of his cigar

"Old man thats gonna kill you someday"i say pointing to the cigar"but sure i agree its good to make some friends"i say nodding

"im glad we agreed be at the academy at 8am tomorow" i nodded and left the building walking back home i felt uneasy, why am i not sad about my parents is there something wrong with me

i felt myself tearing up but no tears were falling i looked up at the sky and took a big breath i have a home to go to open scrolls

when i got home i opened the second scroll

its a summoning scroll? i see my dads name written with blood but for what summoning is this

oh well imma worry about that later i still have 2 scrolls to open

Mom-this font

Dad-this font

My beautiful daughter, the katana i gave you is very special, you see when you put chakra in it will have purple flames surounding it, also about the summoning its a saw-scaled viper and be nice to them well thats about it

the next one is from mom

hello honey you already have everything we think you need we also left you some money its at the end of this scroll

my parting gift it my necklace, store chakra in it and when you will need it just use it thats why i always wore it

Remember honey we love you

i cant cry i mustnt cry, i told myself ass my hands shook holding the paper i looked at the bottom of the scroll and saw alot of money and my mothers necklace

i held it in my hand passing it with my thumb

*Im not worthy of this necklace* i thought squizing it in my fist throwing it on the bed 

*i will not wear that necklace until ima chunin i will not alow myself to wear it just watch mom dad ima be stronger then you and everyone in this village*

that was the last time i allowed myself to cry well that is until that day but slow down this story will not be finished that quickly


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