Part : 20 (b) Working together!

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However, sensing her crying Lan Sizhui panicked a little, "Zu mu I am sure Qingheng-jun would have never wanted to make you cry, Please calm down! It wasn't your fault but A misunderstanding which grew much without communication! Some mistakes just got happened, no one is at fault!"


Lan Sizhui felt relieved but suddenly he remembered something as he stand up from there and went to a kind of storage room inside the Gentian house. After looking for something about fifteen minutes he finally found what he was looking for. A incense burner! For confirmation he smelled it from a little distance. Although the powder kept in the incense burner was quite old but the smell was still there.

"What is he doing?" questioned Song lan.

"I am not quite sure!" replied Xiao xingchen.

He placed the Incense burner on the table and again played, "Zu mu You recognise this incense burner?"

"Um? Yes it was my favourite i always used it!"

Lan Sizhui, "I want to ask if you know about the Powder kept in it."

"What does it means?"

Therefore Lan Sizhui, "First please answer me!"

"I don't remember it much but one of my student from Gusu Lan gifted me the powder as he exclaimed it was good and use to keep mind calm, suppress anger and any other resentful feelings or emotions!"

Lan Sizhui, "There nothing like used to calm mind at all, infact this powder is use to disturb mind! It don't suppress anger but make people ten times more agressive than they are actually! Neither it will help you to handle your emotions but it will make you extremely sensitive!"

Everyone were shocked to the point they can't even move.

Lan Huang was on the verge of breaking as he understood everything.

Lan sizhui moved there, on the very second day he noticed that Incense burner near his bed as he was sure after renovation of the house Wei wuxian would have placed it there Since the Design of the Incense burner was quite unique and look good. But when he was going to burn it thankfully he smelled before, and immediately understand that it was harmful for health and the daily use of it can also disturb your Qi, maybe one will have a Qi divation from using it on the daily basis, in simple words a poison with strong effect which can't be reduced or cured. Although, he wondered what was such a thing doing there but eventually he placed it in Store room and went to do his work.

"Idiot!" shouted Wei wuxian about him future self who carelessly placed that much dangerous thing for his son to use.

"What are you saying a-yuan ? How is even possible, as i said my student gave me it as a present!"

However, Lan Sizhui was sure It was either her student purposely gave it with wrong intentions or he was unaware of its real uses, "Did you use it when you and Qingheng-jun fought?"

"Y-Yes but-"

Lan Sizhui didn't let her finish, "I am sorry for cutting your speech! All I want to say is there no point of thinking any other things as it is clear either your student gave it you purposely or by mistake, When you and Qingheng-jun fought, you were not concious but was effected by the poison this Incense burner holds!"

"B-but i remember everything c-clearly you might be mistaken! And if you saying this to lessen my guilt there no need! I am aware of deeds, i destroyed my family with my own hands!"

𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 [] 𝐌𝐝𝐳𝐬 ✓Where stories live. Discover now