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I woke up to yelling, not unusual but what was unusual was that the yelling was not for me. I couldn't hear exactly what was being said but I could hear my dad yelling back just as loud, it wasn't often I heard him yell back. Looking around the room I noticed the empty beds, confused I got up and went to Lips, Nathan and Ian's room, they weren't their either. Going back to my room I sat on my bed listening to the screaming match, twenty minutes later a door slammed from somewhere in the house I winced. i waited another ten minutes before tip toing to the door, and opening it just a crack. It was dead silent, leaving the room I head towards the bathroom, passing Marie's room as I went, her door was open but she was not in her room, probably at school. I could see a bag on the bed and cloths thrown about the room.
Going to the bathroom I did my business and brushed my teeth before going back to my room to change, since I didn't get home til early this morning.
Finding some leggings and a baggy T-shirt I just wanted to be comfortable today, I put my long light brown hair into a messy bun, my hair was getting so long now that it reached just past my butt.
I went down the stairs avoiding the creaking steps as I went. It was still silent, but I could smell the sweet scent of french roast coffee. Following the smell to the kitchen dad sat at the kitchen table coffee cup sat in front of him as he read 'news of the day'  today's paper. He wore just a blue T-shirt today and a pair of jeans, it was different than his usual slacks and dress shirt. He had one leg cross over the other, looking up he saw me standing by the door.
"Your awake," he said putting his paper down and standing. " I didn't know when you would be up, I took the kids to school, and I tried to make some breakfast."
That was also different. I usually did the cooking around here. Looking around I noticed that the kitchen was a complete mess. Pots and pans lined the counter, a few dishes were piled into the sink, what made my eyes go wide was the grayish white substance that bubbled on the stove top. Walking further into the kitchen my feet met with something slimy and mushy, lifting my foot up to inspect it, I could see the same white grayish substance that matched the wall and ceiling above the stove, I could see it a lot clearer now that I inspected it on my foot, it was white gravy and it was mixed with pieces of sausages. Ew, I thought.
The kitchen had exploded with country gravy "What did you do?" I breathed, as I continued to the stove my feet making slopping noises as I went.
" I tried to make breakfast and when I turned to get the eggs, it exploded." Going to the stove I noticed that the burner was on the highest It would go. Reaching around I turned the nob off and watched as the angry bubbles slowly subsided. The burt smell of the over cooked eggs and gravy made me gag.
"I appreciate you trying to cook dad, but leave that to me, okay." I said going to the sink, and grabbing a cloth to clean my bare feet. I had some cleaning to do today.
Dad sighed, but smiled," let's go." He said grabbing his keys, and patting down his hair as he passed the hall mirror.
"Where are we going?" I asked slipping out of the kitchen and put my flip flops on.
"To get breakfast." Dad said opening the front door, before he turned to face me. "Oh! Here." He said handing me a pink bottle that said prenatal. "I picked it up this morning."
"Where's mother?" I asked for the first time noticing that she hasn't come to yet all at me about the state of the kitchen.
"Shes gone."
"She left?" I asked confused, she never left the house if she didn't have to.
"Mia, honey it's not working out were getting a divorce." He said sadly.
"I'm sorry." I began to say.
"Ah no, I'm sorry I'm sorry I let her treat you the way she did for so long, I'm sorry sweety." He said cupping my cheek. " Things are going to be different. Better for us all of us." He said looking at me with so much sorrow i nearly cried.
"Okay " I whispered.
"We'll figure everything out, but first breakfast." He said leading me to the old van.

We found a cute little dinner an hour away from home, it had a 60s feel to it. With black and white checkered flooring, bright red leather booths and a long island with red stools. an old best up juke box Sat in the corner playing Elvis Presley 1973 burning love. A waitress wore a white long dress with a collard neck and a red and white striped apron, her dark brown hair was done in a curly side swoop, and came rolling to our table in bright red skates. Welcome to Presley dinner what can I get started for you?" She asked pulling out a pen and a pad of paper.
"I'll take a coffee for now." Dad said leaning back in the booth."
Sure thing, and for you honey?" She asked pointing the end of her pan towards me.
"Uh I'll take a decaf coffee please." Dad raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on it.
Skipping over the menu I looked at the breakfast section, pancakes with strawberry and banana drizzled with chocolate syrup and caramel, egg and spinach omelet with tomatoes, and fruit on the side along with two slices of toast. There was a chicken fried steak breakfast. Two French toast with powder sugar, sausage links and hash browns and an orange slice. There was a lot to choose from. The waitress came back and asked for our order, dad asked for the breakfast skillet and I ended up with the two French toast meal with a side of eggs as well and asked for fruit instead of hash-browns.
Noticing that she had brought my coffee I pulled it towards me and added some hazelnut creamer and one suger, sweetning it up just a bit.
"How are you doing Mia, with everything?"dad asked looking at me concern in his voice.
"Im not sure, to be honest." I said wrapping my hands around my coffee cup and rolling it gently in my hands. "I don't remember what happened."
"What do you remember?" He asked gently, stilling my hand.
I thought about that afternoon when I woke up, "I remember waking up and feeling groggy and very disoriented," I had missed my camp schedule, "and when I went to move off the bed I noticed my pants and a underwear pulled down to my ankles, and I had bruising on my thighs. When I was finally able to stand I had noticed the blood on my ss-sheets." A tear slipped down my cheeks. "and... And my body hurt, it was so sore to move."
"Where were you?" He asked.
" I'm not sure where I was to be honest I knew I wasn't in my lodge and I didn't stick around to find out."
"Why didn't you tell anyone or call me."
At this point I'm bawling. " I didn't think anyone would believe me and the fact that I couldn't remember his face. It would just be my word. And I didn't have a phone."
My dad had his face covered with his hands, I could see his shoulders and upper body shaking, He let out a big breath, then he was looking up at me with unshed tears, " I'll find him, and when i do I'll kill him." My dad snarled. I leaned back in my seat, not use to the anger that rolled off him like that. That was mothers style. He was usually such a calm and patient person, but I could see in his eyes, the anger he felt towards who ever did this.
"I'll contact Mr...Who was it again, Mancini?" He asked taking out his cell phone.
I nodded my head. He dialed a number and put the phone to his ear.
Our waitress came back with our food, setting down our plates and bringing a refilled coffee container along with it. She gave me a sweet smile and went to do her rounds at the other tables. My mouth watered as I saw the golden soft bread with the white fluffy powdered sugar, and melted butter on top. Looking around the table I reached for the maple syrup and poured a generous amount. And took a bite, the softness and the sweetness of the bread and syrup danced in my mouth.
"Hello, Mr. Mancini, this Mr Bailey." Dad said In Greeting, as he picked up his fork and knife and cut a piece of chicken fried stake moved it around around his plate scooping up some gravy and stabbing a mushroom as he went. " Yes she did inform me of the refund, thank you for that." Their was a pause as he listened to what Mr. Mancini had to say. "Yes I saw the new last night." He went silent again. " Yes, it was her, I took her down last night..." He turned his head to look at me. " No, she doesn't remember." I was getting bits and pieces of the conversation but wasn't sure a what was being said by Mr. Mancini. " No, no,no Im not looking to sue the camp." My eyes wided at the implication that would bring if that happened. " No, no, I just want you to beware, and I would like the video footage of my daughter up until she was drugged." Dad went silent again as he listened and took a fork ful of food.
"The FBI really?" he said unsurprised.
The FBI was involved now?
I looked down at my plate, frowning, I didn't realize I had eaten all of my French toast and half my eggs already.
"Damn." My father muttered." That's unfortunate." I pushed my food away full, and took a drink of my decaf coffee.
"Thank you for your time. No I'm sure she would like to too. Yes. you too, thanks again." Dad said hanging up the phone and pocketing it.
" He thought we were going to sue the camp, I have no intention on ruining a music place for young artists, besides I'm Sure you want to go back." I nodded eagerly.
"The FBI is involved, they couldn't get a clear picture of the perp unfortunately. And Mr. Mancini wants you to come play at his house one evening to his guest, he said the piece you wrote was beyond beautiful that's how you got the scholarship." I knew how I got the scholarship but still made me proud to know that people loved my music.
"Let's go home and clean that kitchen.than you can take a nap. And then we'll go pick up some things for dinner. And get the boys from school."I yawned in agreement with that plan . It was turning out to be a pretty good morning.

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