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Walking up the drive way we could hear screaming coming from the house, I flinched, mother was screaming profanities at father. "That little whore, I want her out of this house Richard!" Mother screamed from somewhere in the house.
"Eleanor she's your daughter!" Dad yelled back just as loud.
"Daughter," mother sneered, "she not my daughter!"
"Eleanor!"father snapped angerly.
Sitting down on the front step, I sighed I knew it was going to be a while before we could go in, no use going into the house while they were fighting, especially about me.
Looking through my bag I grabbed a zip lock baggie of chalk I kept in my purse, for on the occasion we stopped at a park or if we were going to have nights like this. I handed the bag to Nathan who smiled happily before handing out colors to the younger boys.
My mother would most likely drag me by my hair and fling me around like a rag doll if we interrupted her rage. Sighing I took out the notes Cody gave me might as well go over them while we were stuck out here. Lip sat down next to Ian and began to do his English homework while Ian started on his earth science eassay.
I jumped from where I sat on the front step, as there was clang and then a bang, then something shattered in the house. The older boys glanced at the house than to me before continuing to study.
The screaming match continued for another 30 minutes, I thought about telling dad about the pregnancy after all I wouldn't be able to hide it and he was bound the find out one way or another. After waiting around to make sure it was quite I picked up my bag and Liam's carrier and slid through the front door the younger boys following behind, shutting the door silently behind me.
Quietly I went to the kitchen and made sandwiches for the boys and a bottle for Liam before ushering them silently up the stairs, and putting the younger boys in my room to eat Walking back downstairs to the living room I found Dad laying across the couch is ankles crossed on the arm rest, he had one arm propped behind his head, and in his other hand was the remote as clicked through the channels until he found the news. Looking around the room, I saw that what had been thrown around, the coffee table was over turned, and a metal skillet lay on the floor closer to the TV and a ceramic coffee cup lay shattered on the floor with spilled coffee seeping into the hardwood floor. I grabbed a dust pan and broom along with a cloth with warm water and another cloth with a bottle of pine sol out of the cleaning pantry, and Set the stuff down on the floor and turning the coffee table right, I removed everything from the floor and set it on the coffee table, and began to sweep up the glass. Father watched me from the couch, as I dabbed the coffee stain than added the pine sol so the floor wouldn't be sticky and it would shine like the rest of the floor, grabbing everything plus the skillet I put everything away and walked back into the living room, sitting down on the floor by the couch, dad put his hand in my hair and stiffened before relaxing to his touch, he began to play with it.
"How much did you hear?" He asked, looking from the TV to me
"Bits and pieces." I said looking back at him.
" so mostly everything. How long were you guys out there?"
"Bout an hour or so." He nodded, than said "I'm sorry."
I shook my head, " it's okay I know she doesn't like me, and I know I'm not her daughter." I said turning my head away.
Dad sighed and turned his head back to the news. A lady with a red dress and her blond hair curled and perfect make up stood before the camera microphone in hand as she delivered the night news. "Tonight a teenage girl has come forward, staying she has been raped and had been given GHB at a music camp in New York durring her stay this summer. Two other girls have come forward as well, and a video of another young girl who has yet to come forward, surveillance video show a young girl, being dragged, by the perpetrator, has his back to the camera. An ongoing investigation is pending on what Happened at this camp. Well show you the released video." Dad and I sat up straighter as the lady from the screen disappeared and a grimy black and white video popped up, you could see a girl with a jean skirt, a blouse and white canvas shoes being dragged down an empty hall, her long brown hair dragging across the floor, her body limp limp in his arms as he pulls her down the long hall. Dad sucked in a breath through his teeth, then his eyes landed on me, his eyes growing wide, jumping up from the couch, he grabbed to his coat his keys and his Wallet that lay in a heap on the floor by the couch, before hauling me up from the floor pulling me to the front door, and to the car, quickly he opened my door and pushed me in. I was bewildered at what what happening. "Where are we going?" I ask buckling my seat belt, confused. "Be right back he grunted as he ran back to the house and ushred the boys out the door, him carrying a sleeping Liam in his arms. Swinging open the van door he told the boys to get in and buckled Liam into his car seat before making sure Mikey, Emmet, caral and Jaxton we're all in there booster seats and car seats, Nathan, Lip and Ian all buckled up in the third row.
"Where are we going?" I asked again.
"Hospital," he said looking over his shoulder as he backed out of the drive way and drove towards the freeway.
Ten short minutes later we arrived at the ER, dad pulling me though the white sterile hall Liam's carrier in my arms as the rest of the boys followed, the younger boys holding the older boys hand and dad carrying Mikey in his free arm, the smell of antiseptic filled my nose.
"I need a doctor's to do a rape kit on my daughter and to see if she has GHB in her system." He barked out, glaring at a passing nurse.
The nurse shrunk back startled before leading us to a desk where sbe had asked my dad for his ID and his insurance card, and began to fill out some paperwork. He was on th verge of causing a screen, trying to get me in as quickly as possible.
I was quickly taken to the back, by another nurse trying to keep my father calm. "Okay hunny I'm going to get a sample of your hair," A male nurse said as he picked up a pair of tweezers on a silver tray, he plucked a stray hair out of my scalp, I winced, that hurt I thought. " Do you want your dad in here with you?" He asked.
Before I could answer my dad came striding carrying a sleeping Mikey in his arms, and came and stood up by my head, "I'll stay but I'll stay up here." He said pating my head. I hadn't really seen this side of my father. Most of the time he was gone. Lip and Ian took a seat on the two chairs in the corner, lip holding Emmet as he tried to stay awake and Ian rocked Carl as he slept in his arms, Nathan took a seat on the floor between lips legs and leaned his head against Lips leg. Liam was sound asleep in his carrier that sat on the floor near my gurney.
The nurse brought a blanket in and told me to put it over my lap and pull My pants and underwear down and to put my feet in the stirnups. I did as I was told. Lip and Ian turned their head away like the perfect gentlemen they were. Laying back against the pillows I tried to relax. Let me tell you it hurts. I wasn't prepared for the pain when the swabbed.
"Their is some tearing on her hyimenn and some bruising, and some swelling..." The doctor murmured, than he sucked in a breath, and..."
"And...and what?!" My father snapped from up by my head, "she's been raped." the doctor said pulling the sheet down. A nurse came back in with a sheet in her hand. " And it looks there was still some GHB in her system still and her HCG level was tested positive "
My father fell back into the wall putting his hands in his hair then ran a hand down his face. " Your sure?" He asked, eyes red with tears.
"Yes." The doctor said, "I'm sorry." Than left the room. Looking to my dad, I could see the devastating look on his face. He was distraught.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"Mia sweetheart, it means your pregnant."

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