JRCIAA? what..?

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Pitch black is all I could see, my eyes wouldn't open. Then I felt my self being moved, or rather turned on my side. At least I knew I wasn't totally out of it. My conscience was was aware of what was going on, syncope that's happened to me before. Than suddenly I could hear voices again, though kinda muffled like I was underwater. "Call martain...
"he's not a trained wound specialist. No..."
"Can we come in now...."
I was getting bits and pieces of conversation but not enough to know what's going on. I could hear rustling around the room. But it was mostly quite. Where were my brothers, were they okay, I thought.
I felt someone kneel beside me, than suddenly another person was barking at someone to move and they did, I felt hands sweep my hair back from my face, their hand felt cool against my clammy skin. Than I felt two pairs of hands on my back.
My back ached, I've felt this kind of pain before, when my mother held me down and sliced my back up with scissors, the long gashes healed properly with fathers help last time. I groaned internally, I felt something sharp dig into my skin, pulling and tugging is what it felt like, than after what felt like an eternity, the pulling and tugging stopped. "She should be coming to soon." A muffled voices sounded. It sounded familiar but I couldn't place it, my mind groggy.
I could feel myself coming to I could feel my toes and fingers as they if they tingled, my whole body hurt with every breath I took, it was jagged. Next my hearing came back it wasn't muffled any more.
I sighed, glad my senses were coming back, slowly I was able to open my eyes, they were blurry, I had to blink a few times to get the my sight right. Looking around I could see all the boys, my brothers, Owen and Fin, and a familiar face staring back at me from the recliner.
"Daddy?" I croaked out, my throat dry. I tried to sit up, but hands on my shoulders pushed me back down. "Easy wee bird, we don't need ya tear'n stitches now do we, eh." Fins face came into view.
"Mia." Dad sighed out in relief. He looked at me with a small smile.
"Wha-" I began to ask, but Owen interrupted me.
"What happened?" He asked or demanded, I should say.
"Uh..." I wasn't sure what he meant did he mean why I fainted or did he mean before? I was confused.
"This isn't the first time this happened." Dad spoke up. " my soon to be ex-wife has done this before, you can see the faint scars from past abuse she has inflicted on her. " Dad ran a hand through his graying hair. " How did this even happen?" He asked. "She left."
I swallowed the lump in my throat," After I woke up from my nap I came downstairs to find something to eat. I found your note, the cellphone and the cash. And when I came into the living room I saw boxes, I thought mom had left but she came up behind me and we'll threw me to the couch basically and...I'm not sure what she used but she carved into me...again." I croaked out. I watched as Cody got up from his place on the floor and left the room. "Can you help me sit up please." I whispered, Find nodded as he let go of my shoulder and put his arm behind my lower back while I wrapped my arms around his neck, he leaned forward as my head went into the crook of his neck, and  inhaled smelling his Irish spring shampoo. I smiled lightly as he gently lifted me into a sitting position in front of the arm of the couch so my back wasn't resting on anything. Cody came back into the room with a glass of ice water. Gingerly I took it from his hands smiling in thanks as I took a sip. "After I was able to go up stairs and clean myself up and shower, after I came back down stairs the boxes were gone so I assumed she left, i shouldn't have assumed, she was still in the house and she pushed me down the basement stairs, I'm not sure how long I was down there for." I said thinking back.
"You were down there most of the day it seems, you missed pickup."
I frowned at that, "how did you guys get home?" I asked looking at my brothers.
"I have them a ride Mrs Bailey." Owen said, arms still crossed, his face a mask I frowned Again looking at Owen 'miss Bailey?' He usually just called me Mia, looking away I changed the subject,
"Why are you here dad I thought you were working?" I asked, looking at him.
"I was, until I got a phone call."
"What?"I asked confused. " Who called you?" Dad swept an arm out towards the boys.
"Stall the ball!"Fin exclaimed, looking between me and my dad. "Wee bird you said dad?"
I nodded confused."you've met my dad before." I said looking at him confused.
"Aye Richard Bailey, this is man Mr. Martain."
I looked at him like he lost his mind, "that's my dad."
"Looks like we all need to talk." Dad said sitting back in his recliner, legs crossed, he pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pants, and stuck the white stick in between his teeth before lighting the end.
"Boys take a seat. We have much to discuss." I watched as all the boys looked at dad and obeyed. "I am Mr. Bailey my alise is Mr. Martian, Mia I work for JRCIAA, and this is my team."
"What?" I asked confused my head spun as I tried to figure out what was going on "what is the JRCIA?" I asked confused
"Junior CIA Academy."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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