Put yourself in Someone's Shoes

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New realization with understanding someone's feelings when they are expressing it.

when someone is expressing their feelings to first step is to listen.

Second step is to focus on what they are saying once you have what exactly they are expressing to you.

Do not try to pair a situation with you've been with similar to theirs.

What that person is asking of you to understand, understanding is more than relating to their situation.

The only proper time to tell someone your story; when someone expresses their feelings to;

"Put yourself in their shoes"
Which is honestly a "I never quite understood until today.

I never understood why people would get upset when I told him my story and how I relate to them; then I realized it's because I made it about me.

They expressed their feelings to me; and I just cut them off and made it about myself.

To put yourself into someone's shoes is "If that were to happen to me I'd feel like—" then go from there; only tell your story if a person asks you " have you ever dealt with something like this?"

Then go ham. Tell them your story and connect that way; only if that's how they want to connect.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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