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        Robyn held Psalm's hand for comfort, their palms clasped together in a tender gesture

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        Robyn held Psalm's hand for comfort, their palms clasped together in a tender gesture. As Psalm was called to take his seat in the court stand, their hands slowly parted, but Robyn kept her thumb raised, a silent signal to Psalm that she was there for support.

   With a deep breath, Psalm took his place in the stand, and the judge began the trial.

"Psalm, it has come to light that a video has surfaced showing an incident between you and Aaliyah on the night she passed away. Can you explain why you were physically interacting with her?" the prosecutor asked, starting off the questioning.

    Psalm began to speak, "In the video, it's clear that I physically hit her once. However, if you watch closely, you'll see that she was also putting her hands on me. I want to emphasize that I only hit her once."

"But, Psalm," the prosecutor pressed on, "why did you feel the need to physically confront Aaliyah at all? Did she pose a threat to you?"

    Psalm's voice remained steady as he replied, "No, she didn't pose a threat. I was just trying to defend myself. She was upset and getting in my face, and I reacted in the heat of the moment."

     The prosecutor raised an eyebrow, "And what were you and Aaliyah arguing about that night?"

   Psalm gazed at Robyn, hesitant to speak, but she offered a reassuring nod, mouthing "it's okay". With a deep sigh, Psalm began, "Our relationship"

"What about your relationship?" the prosecutor asked, but Robyn interjected, "No further questions about their relationship." The prosecutor shot her a glare.

"You claimed to have been with her all night, then suddenly left and returned. Did you leave after committing the crime?" the prosecutor demanded, making Psalm feel uneasy.

     Robyn noticed his discomfort and spoke up, "Your Honor, I'd like to halt the questioning here." However, the judge replied, "Ms. Domango, I'm afraid we can't stop now. We need answers."

"Your Honor, I understand that you want answers, but I believe the prosecutor is trying to unfairly implicate my client based on speculation and conjecture," Robyn argued, trying to defend him all of a sudden.

       Psalm looked at her, confused, he thought she wanted him to confess. He was prepared to take responsibility for his actions, though it was difficult for him.
    In a low voice, Psalm admitted, "I did commit the crime."

   The prosecutor pressed him "Could you say that louder, Mr. Orion? Are you confirming that you murdered Aaliyah Parker?"

     Psalm nodded, his head still hung low, and repeated, "Yes, I was the one who killed Aaliyah."

    The courtroom fell silent, and Robyn felt the weight of their shared pain in their eyes. Though it was hard to hear, she knew Psalm's confession was necessary, and he knew it too, in his heart.

       The judge nodded gravely, acknowledging Psalm's confession. The courtroom remained silent, the weight of his words lingering in the air.

    Robyn's eyes were fixed on Psalm, her gaze unwavering. The prosecutor asserted, "I argue we hold him accountable and declare him guilty."

     Robyn interjected, "Not so fast, Your Honor. My client has confessed, but you haven't heard his side of the story yet."

    The prosecutor dismissed her, saying, "What more is there to explain, Robyn? He's already admitted to the crime."

"While my client has been labeled a murderer, that doesn't define who he truly is. Psalm has admitted that both he and Aaliyah were physical with each other that night, and he was simply trying to protect himself. They both had guns in their hands, and in a desperate attempt to save his own life, the tragic outcome was Aaliyah's death. I'm not saying Psalm shouldn't be held accountable, but it's important to understand that he was acting in self-defense, and the alternative could have just as easily been his own death."

       Robyn continues, "I implore the court to examine the intricacies of this case and not simplistically categorize Psalm as a murderer. Aaliyah had malicious intentions towards him, and this was a matter of self-defense. Psalm is not solely to blame."

      The judge thoughtfully considers Robyn's words, balancing them against the prosecutor's arguments.

   "Based on the evidence, I agree with Robyn's assessment. I hereby classify this incident as a justifiable self-defense case," the judge declares.

    However, she continues, "While this case will be labeled as self-defense, Psalm will still face consequences for taking Aaliyah Parker's life."

     "I will deliberate on the appropriate sentence, and until then, this trial is adjourned." With a firm strike of her gavel, the judge ends the trial, leaving Psalm free until further notice, though the weight of his fate still hangs in the balance.

      As the courtroom clears, Psalm turns to Robyn, whose warm smile and gentle eyes convey her empathy.

    He mouths a heartfelt "thank you" for her unwavering support. As they walked outside they were met with a sea of paparazzi and reporters swarming around them, flashing lights from the camera and microphones thrust forward.

"Psalm, Psalm, do you have a statement for Aaliyah's family?" a reporter shouted, followed by another asking, "Do you have anything to say at all, Psalm?"

        As the black SUV arrived, Psalm grasped Robyn's hand, helping her into the car before climbing in himself and shutting the door, leaving the reporters wondering.

   Inside, Psalm slumped in his seat, hands covering his face, feeling overwhelmed. Robyn placed a comforting hand on his knee, her eyes fixed on him, the silence between them thick with emotion.

   The SUV sped away from the curb, tires squealing as it merged into the bustling city streets, leaving the chaos behind but not the weight of Psalm's situation.

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