13. Real Dead!

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"The heiress of the Shekhawat and Daughter's and Business League Awards holder Ms

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"The heiress of the Shekhawat and Daughter's and Business League Awards holder Ms. Aarya Shekhawat is rumoured to be dating Mr. Ajay Malhotra, the heir of the Malhotra Group of Industries...."

"It's stated form the recent reports that Ms. Aarya Shekhawat and Mr. Ajay Malhotra has been college acquaintance. And that they were very close during their campus stays..."

"...are they actually dating? Or can we assume that this is a publicity stunt, considering that both the alleged individuals are by far the biggest names in the business world...."

"...and it has also been confirmed by our special sources that this will lead to a collaboration between Shekhawat and Daughter's as well as Malhotra Group of Industries. This arrangement will mark the biggest collaboration in the business world...."

"...that being said, both are assumed to get married this December..."

A loud bang echoed in the meeting hall which was earlier filled by the chattering of the reporters.

"What the actual crap are they babbling?"

A fuming and extremely frustrated Aarya sat at the head of the room. Her palms fisted in a death grip, breathing erratic and heavy due to the anger crossing through her .

It was a sunday. A weekend. But here she was, in her office, because of the scandle that pulled up yesterday after the award night.

Yes. The pictures of Ajay Malhotra holding Aarya have been flowing through the internet like wildfire, all with misleading accusations and rumors, stating from them dating, to their college days, to a business collaboration and so on.

And so far, the officials of Shekhawat and Daughter's have failed to provide any relief or solution to the lingering problem.


Aarya again roared in anger.

Every person in the meeting hall sat mute. Their faces drained of all the colours, resembling that of a ghost. Everyone was shivering. Even Mr. Kadam was continuously holding up his kerchief to wipe the sweat off of his forehead.

"W-we are trying our best ma'am..." A scared Seerta mumbled.

"The hell you are trying. Do you take me as a fool. You're telling me that these shenanigans have been bombing these headlines since dawn. It's going to be noon now, and no one, I repeat no one is able to get them off?

Really Seerta? I thought you were better than this."

Aarya scoffed.

"And for God sakes, where the hell is the legal team?"

"Ma'am, they're not here yet. They didn't attend our calls."


A loud buzzing sound was heard before someone threw him down the bed. He woke up instantly, ready to straddle the intruder when he looked up to find an angry Ajji glaring at him.

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