28. Confessed

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They reached a concrete road, surrounded by thick forest from both sides, while its destination seemed blurred

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They reached a concrete road, surrounded by thick forest from both sides, while its destination seemed blurred. After reaching the road, they stopped, taking a sigh of relief. They both were totally drenched while the sky was still falling apart with a thunderous uproar that seemed to have no end. While Aarya seemed to calm herself down, Mahir was unable to get the scene out of his mind.

His heart stopped when the men barged in while Aarya was still inside. He felt his breath catch in his throat as a hand pulled her in. His entire body shook with rage coursing through his veins. In that moment, he would have done anything to protect her. His life flashed before his eyes at the thought of something happening to her. The intensity of his rage, mixed with the fear of losing her, clouded his mind to the point where he couldn't contain the sudden shout that escaped his lips.

His voice echoed on the empty road, making Aarya's head snap towards him. She saw him pulling his hair and kicking the road senselessly, and that scared her to the core. She immediately rushed towards him and hugged him from behind.

Feeling her hands around him, he froze in place. They stood entwined under the pouring rain, stranded in the heart of a desolate forest on a deserted road. Her body pressed against his, their breaths labored, and hearts racing. It was the weight of their circumstances, the intensity of their proximity, and the electric emotion crackling between them that enveloped them in a haze of euphoria. Neither of them could bring themselves to pull away. Both of their eyes were closed, reeling from the feeling of each other's warmth surrounding them.

They both stood like that for so long, and it was only when another blot of lightening accompanied by rigorous thunder struck that they broke out of their haze. Aarya immediately backed away, seemingly astonished and embarrassed by her impulsive act, whereas Mahir just stood in his earlier position, his eyes still closed and head leaned back a little for the rain to directly crash over his face.

"I'm...I-I didn't mean to.." Aarya was abruptly cut off by Mahir.

"Don't," he said, his voice drained in by the bombing thunder, but enough for her to hear him. "Don't say it. Please. Don't ruin it."

"Huh?" Aarya said, her eyes stuck on his back while face morphed with confusion.

Mahir slowly turned around, completely facing her. His eyes landed on hers, and a chill raced down her spine as she took in the intensity of his gaze. The amber hue of his eyes had deepened, sending shivers through her body. The frigid weather only added to the sensation. Her gaze drifted downward, and she gasped at the sight before her. He was soaked to the bone, water streaming from his face down his body. She followed the droplets as they traced a path from his jaw to his neck, sliding over his Adam's apple as he swallowed. A sudden urge to touch it gripped her hand. The water continued its journey, drawing her eyes to his broad chest.

She didn't notice it back then inside the building, but this was the first time she actually saw him half naked, barely covered with the vest. As she stood there, the rain pouring down around them, she couldn't help but notice how the water clung to his body, revealing every contour and muscle beneath the drenched vest. It was the first time she had seen him with half his body exposed, and she was captivated by the sight.

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