Chapter five

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Chapter five

A year later...

Amanda and Severus were married by Imbolc.

Both thought this only fitting, was it a new beginning for either of them.

The Celtic – celebration was supposed to wash away the darkness, the taint, both

of them felt.

The stern professor held to his word. He was very patient with his bride.

They were friends and confidants.

She was healing.

As Amanda felt ready to be his wife in every sense, he let her control the


Eventually they fell in love with each other. Not the all-burning, passionate kind,

-no, theirs was a steady, a comfortable and content love. Neither of them needed


The former student sat curled on the sofa, which Severus had transfigured from his

wing-chair a year ago, her feet tucked under her, a book in her hand and a young

Kneazle at her side she was stroking.

Her husband gave the kitten to her on their first Christmas together.

She looked comfortable and relaxed.

There was a fire merrily crackling in the fireplace.

The Kneazle pricked up his ears, a moment later you could hear the silent

grinding from stone on stone.

"How are my lovely ladies this afternoon?" a deep silky voice asked as soon

as the wizard emerged from the entrance in all his dark and imposant glory.


"And Kneazle, of course" Severus added, the corner of his mouth twitching amused.

He stepped towards them, stroked the demanding Kneazle and kissed his wife hello,

caressing her protruding belly.

"I had a lazy time, while our daughter was kicking me."

she answered, making space for him on the sofa.

"Eager, aren't we little one?" the father-to-be enquired, grinning.

"And what have you been up to, my dear?" she said smiling, kissing him back.

His long black hair tickling her cheek.

"Who says I have been up to something?"

He wrapped her in his arms and glanced at her innocently.

"Oh, I know you, dear husband of mine! You have this mischievous smirk,

like a child in a Weasleys'Wizard Wheezes store. Out with it!"

He grinned even wider "I brought you your Christmas present" Severus said

with a devilish glint in his eyes.

Hers were alight with happiness. "What is it?" Amanda asked curiously.

He reached in his robes for her gift while she looked at him with anticipation.

A tiny vial with a silver shimmering mass, not quite liquid, nor gas appeared between his fingers.

Meaningful he held it out for her to take.

"Is this...?" she whispered with mixed feelings.

"Yes" he penetrated her gaze, not entirely sure, if she could handle this.

Amanda was amazed to which length her husband has gone for her and a

bit apprehensive of what she may see.

>Will it trigger memories she strived to forget? <

She saw unquestionable support and love in his dark orbs.

"For closure" he murmured and kissed her.

She savoured his kiss and took the vial.

She held it in the light and glanced. The shimmering strands slightly moving

in the tiny glass.

>She had waited for this day for three long years. But was she ready?<

She swallowed deeply. "Alright, did you bring the Pensieve?"

Severus took her hand and squeezed lightly. She smiled at him a bit nervous.

She observed how the silver substance swirled in the clear liquid of the Pensieve.

Not letting his hand go, she took a deep breath and together they

entered the magic bowl.

Amanda first didn't know what to feel, to see her tormentors again, to see the torture

her husband inflicted on them.

>She knew about his darkness, she knew what he was

capable of, if his loved ones were threatened. He had told her. And she accepted him,

as he accepted her. She knew he did it for her. And she loved him for it.

He avenged her. He remembered every needle, every knife they used on her and he paid

them back in kind. He used the burning candle like they did to her.

She felt strangely detached by their obvious pain. The fear in their eyes as "the devil"

himself descend upon them to taste their own medicine left her cold.

Their terrified trembling by the murmured Latin words, that made no sense to them, made

her even laugh. Yes her husband had a wicked sense of humour.<

Simultaneously they emerged.

She pulled him in a tight hug and kissed him fiercely.

"Thank you, Severus."

"Anything for you, my dear."

In the end she felt relief.

>She was revenged, her tormentors got what they deserved. Now she could leave

the past behind and begin a new chapter of her life. With her doting husband and

the growing child in her womb. And yes, the Kneazle, of course!<


                                                          ~~THE END~~

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