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Today is Louis' first day of school and he's not the least bit excited. He knows he'll hate it. He's nine years old and only in second grade. It's embarrassing. It's not his fault though, he isn't dumb either. He had to repeat a grade and he started school a year late. The only reason he had to repeat a grade was because of his attendance at school. His dad would be too drunk and Louis was afraid to ask him if he could go. The last thing he wanted to do was ask his mum because he knew she'd probably taken a beating the night before and she didn't deserve the extra stress.

His mum woke him up early that morning with blueberry pancakes and bacon; his favorite. He did like that fact that he had his own room upstairs while his mum's room was on the first floor. He also liked the fact that he had his own bathroom and the tub in there is literally big enough to swim in. So when his mum woke him up for breakfast, he promised he'd be down in a few minutes. All he really wanted to do though was take a bath. It was a big difference from his life in Doncaster. He didn't have a huge bath tub, he barely had hot water to take a bath with. He likes this house better than the one back home but he can't say he likes the city better. For some reason he can't stop thinking about the little boy with the big smile that was staring at him the day he moved in. He wants to know why he was looking at him that way. Did he look funny?

After Louis' bath, he dressed in some random clothes (fashion was the least of his worries). He grabbed his backpack filled with one note book, two pencils, crayons and markers. He stuffed his notebook inside before running downstairs and sitting at the table with his mum. Baby Charlotte was in her high chair stuffing her face with pancakes as she wore a wide smile. His mum calls her Lottie but he likes to call her baby Charlotte -- he thinks it's cuter. "Mum, why can't I just stay home today? We can start school tomorrow." He suggested, making Jay laugh and shake her head as she watched Louis take a huge bite of his pancakes. "We aren't starting school Boobear, you are." She said, poking his nose as she poured him a glass of milk, Louis pouted. "I don't want to go." He mumbled, unsure if she heard him or not. If she did, she chose to ignore it.

Louis finished his breakfast then helped clean Lottie up before kiss mum got her from her highchair and they left for the bus stop.

Harry woke up before his mum that morning, excited for school. He decided that he wanted to be a help today and make his own lunch so he grabbed his Spiderman lunch box and skipped down stairs. He grabbed the loaf of bread first, then the peanut butter and jelly from the fridge. He opened the drawer and pulled out his blue plastic knife. He knew he wasn't allowed to use the other knives, mummy said they can really hurt him. He began to spread the jelly and peanut butter on the bread but got frustrated when the bread crumbled. After about 6 pieces of bread he got even more frustrated and started to cry. He heard his mum upstairs moving around before coming downstairs to see Harry with his hands over his face, crying. "Aw, hun, what's wrong?" She asked, picking him up and hugging him tightly. "I was trying to make lunch b-but I can't do it." he hiccupped before wiping his eyes. Her face softened and she sat him down in the chair again. "Would you like me to help? I'll make your sandwich and you can choose the other things you want to take, yeah?" She asked and Harry smiled wide before climbing down and running to the refrigerator, pulling out some purple grapes and baby carrots. He took them to his mum before pushing a chair to the sink and standing on it to get the cookies from the cupboards. He grabbed a small pack of chips before going over to the refrigerator again and grabbing one of his juice boxes. "All done!" He smiled.

They finished packing Harry's lunch before eating some cereal and going upstairs so Harry could finish getting ready for school. He grabbed his backpack and petted his Kitty's head before running outside, not waiting for his mum. He couldn't stop thinking about the little boy from down the street. He had been constantly begging his mum to take him down there so he could play with him. "Maybe he wants a friend since he's new here?" "He had a football, I have a football. Maybe I could show him mine and he could be my best friend?" Harry was really optimistic. He never thought about the bad side of things, like; what if he's mean? What if he doesn't want a new friend?

When Harry got to his bus stop he squealed because the little boy was there and now was his time to make a new friend. "Mummy look, it's the new neighbors!" Harry said excitedly. Anne apologized for Harry before introducing herself. They began to talk but Harry couldn't care less about their conversation because the boy with the footie was right beside him. "Hi, M'Harry Styles, what's your name?" He asked. The boy looked kind of sad and that confused Harry because they were going to school and school is fun. "Louis." The boy mumbled and Harry smiled. "Hi! I saw you playing with your ball when you first got here. I have a ball but I'm not very good at it. My Dad was going to teach me but he had to leave. Can you show me how to play?" He asked and Louis wanted to tell him to be quiet but he couldn't. Harry was too cute and young and he didn't want to hurt his feelings. "I can teach you but you can't talk so much and so loud. Just talk when you need to." He said and he felt kind of bad for being mean but Harry's smile didn't fade. Louis' eyes widened when he felt two small arms wrap around his neck tightly. "Thanks Lou-ie." He said before running to his mummy again and hugging her legs. The way Harry said his name was enough to make Louis smile but he wouldn't admit it. "School bus's coming, bye mummy!" He said then climbed on the bus when it got there.

Harry sat with Louis on the school bus, kicking his legs back and forth with a never-ending smile. He started to tell Louis some things but Louis reminded him about the rule. "Only talk when you need to."

They arrived at the school 30 minutes later and Harry was excited. He knew that Louis wouldn't be in his class but he still wanted to hang out with him at Recess and stuff. They got off the bus when they made it there and Louis looked a bit nervous. "Hey Louis, who's classroom are you gonna be in?" Harry asked. Louis thought about it for a minute, trying to remember the name of the teacher his mum told him he'd be in. "Umm.. oh, Miss Austin. I don't know how to get there though." He said as he followed Harry inside. "I can show you. It's by my classroom. My teacher is Mr. Reed." He smiled.

After showing Louis to his classroom, Harry went to his own and sat at his assigned seat. The entire day, Harry couldn't focus. He just wanted to go to lunch so he could see Louis. Lunch finally rolled around and Harry felt like he had ants in his pants because he brought some cookies that he wanted Louis to try. Mr.Reed had everyone in Harry's class line up and walked with them to the cafeteria. When they got there, Louis' class was already there. He smiled before running to where Louis was sitting with him. "Hi, what did you bring?" He asked and Louis looked up from where he was sitting alone. "I have a turkey sandwich, chips, a orange, and apple juice. I had candy but I ate it in class." He said, his lips lifting in a small smile. Harry giggled, opening his lunch box. "I brought these cook-" Before he could finish his sentence, someone took his cookies and pulled one out. "Thanks for the cookies." Nick said and Harry frowned. "I brought those cookies for me and Louis, I can bring you some tomorrow." Harry said but it was too late, Nick was eating their cookies. Harry's eyes watered and he looked down as Nick laughed at him. "Awwww look at the wittle cry baby." He teased and Harry's lip quivered as he tried not to cry. His head snapped up when he heard a loud noise then saw Nick fall on the ground. "Say sorry, now." Louis said threateningly after he'd pushed Nick down.

"Make me." He glared and Louis sat on him and took the cookies back, dumping them all onto the ground. "Don't take his stuff without asking again." Louis said, kicking his leg before standing up again but before he could sit down one of the teachers took his arm and made him go to the principal's office.

Harry felt bad about Louis getting in trouble for him but he was happy that Louis stood up for him. He was so brave,

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