Picky, Picky, Picky

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Alani entered the nail salon on Friday afternoon, already seeing Monet and Rhea seated in two of the massage chairs getting pedicures. After picking out a bottle of nail polish for her toes, she approached them with a smile.

"You fake ass bitch," Monet said as soon as she was in earshot.

"Hello to you too, the fuck?" She frowned. "Hi I'm Alani," Stretching her hand out to Rhea who happily shook it with the firmness of a vice grip.

"Rhea." She smiled, equally unmoved by Monet's usual dramatics. Dominik calling Alani pretty was an understatement Rhea quickly noticed, she was breathtaking.

"Gah damn girl!" Alani joked, massaging her hand like it hurt before grabbing the empty pedicure station next to Monet.

"Sorry," Rhea smirked.

"Don't apologize to her RiRi, you should've broke her damn hand," Monet frowned as she glared at Alani.

"What did I do now?" Alani whined as a worker filled her foot bath.

"I find out you and Dominik are dating, from Rhea!?" Monet complained dramatically. "What kind of shit is that?"

Alani couldn't help but laugh, she figured that's what Monet was upset about but wasn't sure because she figured Dominik hadn't said anything about the two of them to his friends yet but it seems she was mistaken.

"Aww Nae I'm sorry! Don't be mad at me," She giggled, reaching to grab Monet's hand, who slapped it away. "Pedis on me today, yours too Rhea."

Rhea gave her a small smile of gratitude.

Monet pursed her lips and crossed her arms. "Mmmm I suppose that will do to make amends for this absolute travesty."

"Brat," Rhea called out with an eye roll.

"Isn't she!?" Alani agreed, leaning forward in exasperation to look over at Rhea causing them both to giggle.

"Whatever, I should've known something was up when he didn't show yesterday like usual." Monet said purposefully, knowing it would get Rhea's attention.

"Like usual huh?" Rhea couldn't help but ask, wanting to know just how often Dom had been sneaking about.

"Yup!" Monet stated popping the P. "Every single Thursday, ain't that right Lani?" She teased with a smirk, watching Alani's cheeks go pink.


"That little twerp," Rhea said more to herself.

Alani playfully shoved Monet, "Don't try to get Dominik in trouble because you're fake mad at me."

"I'm mad at him too!" She complained. "Yall are both fake as hell. Yall were made for each other."


Rhea couldn't help but crack up watching the two of them go back and forth like sisters.

The trio sat, making small talk throughout their pedicures. Rhea could tell why Dominik liked Alani; she was a sweetheart and she could tell they had a similar sense of humor.

Alani herself, couldn't help but notice all of the light flirting Monet and Rhea were doing; Rhea constantly poking Monet's side to get her to squirm and mess up her pedicure as Monet's loud giggles filled the salon.

Alani didn't think it was possible that there was someone else on this planet that cackled as loudly as Monet does when she laughs but Rhea just might have her beat. Alani thought it was adorable but she was sure the other patrons in the salon trying to relax and the worker trying to do Monet's pedicure would firmly disagree.

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