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"No, Frank. That's a shitty idea," said Regulus after listening to the man explain why working with The Marauders is a genius idea.

Frank groaned on the other end of the line. "Reg, Reggi, Regulus, please. Just think about it. Those guys need a next hit or they will lose fans. You know how it is with people. Not everyone is a die-hard fan; most follow what's popular at the moment."

Regulus rolled his eyes. "I know that Frank; I wasn't born yesterday. But you also know that it's not some random band. I like my anonymity, my name in the credits, and the money in my bank account. I don't need some crappy journalist to find out who I am and spread my face on gossip sites."

"I know, but we already went through it once. No one has to know. You come to the label, work with the band, and go home. No interviews, no nothing." Frank was relentless, and that made it even harder for Regulus to find his way out of this predicament.

"You've already told one too many people about me. That Mary girl at your party last week? I wonder how she knew who I was."

Frank chuckled, and Regulus could sense him shaking his head.

"Mary is Alice's friend; she often comes over when she's in town. We have some pictures of you in the house from our time at school, so it just slipped out. But I swear she only knows you as a songwriter, not a writer. And she was sworn to secrecy anyway. We wouldn't betray your trust like this," he said sincerely.

"Hmm, I don't know why I'm still friends with you."

"Because I'm amazing, and you love me."

"You wish," he laughed.

A moment of silence was passed between them.

"Listen, Reg, I know how you feel about Sirius, and he and the guys can be freaking insufferable. Trust me, I know. I'm managing those little shits. But you cannot let the past control your present and future. It still has a strong hold on you, and it can't stay that way," he sighed. "I'm not going to pressure you, but I want you to seriously think it through and let me know by the end of this week. Alright?"

Regulus closed his eyes, chewing his lower lip in frustration. He yielded.

"OK, fine. I'll give it some thought."

"Great," Frank said, clearly much more cheerful. "You can give me your answer when you come for Sunday dinner. Don't even think about making your way out of it; Neville misses his godfather."

Regulus groaned, "That's foul play, Longbottom. You know I've got a soft spot for my little muffin."

Frank laughed. "Yeah, that's why I said it."

"You should be ashamed of yourself for gaining leverage with your kid. But okay, I'll be there. Text me the details."

"That's my guy. Neville will be thrilled," he said softly. "See you soon, then. Take care of yourself."

They hung up, and Regulus was left in the comfortable silence of his apartment, with an uncomfortable mayhem in his head. Logically, he knew that he was right. He wasn't even the first person to say it. His parents, Evan, Pandora, and even Alice, suggested to him on multiple occasions that he should make amends with Sirius because their unresolved situation keeps him strongly anchored in the past. The past that influences his whole existence, and that sucks immensely.

He knew they were right, but it's easier said than done. Both of them had their whole lives set; do they really have a place in them for each other? Regulus couldn't figure out an answer to that question, no matter how hard he thought.

However, there was no denying that his traumatic childhood followed him like a foul smell he couldn't get rid of. Those monsters and the atrocities they put him and Sirius through were always present in his books and less happy songs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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