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- Y / N ' S  P O V -

; IT WAS NEARING the end of the school day, and you cursed yourself for getting a detention. you should have been in dress code, but of course, you wanted to 'show off' on the first day after the break. eventually, you brought yourself to walk inside the detention room.

"wow, I didn't expect you to be here." you grumbled to the sight of xiao and scaramouche. whose bright idea was it for you to be stuck here for an hour with these jerks? "hey scaramouche."  it won't be half as bad with scara here since he's not a jerk, unlike someone.  xiao raised a brow, probably because you said 'hey' to his friend. "how do you know him?" you could hear the hint of jealously in his voice- you didn't expect him to get attached that quickly. "he was flirting with my best friend." you eyed scaramouche as he 'laughed.'  your still mad about having to listen to those two lovebirds go at it in history. "she's your best friend?.. would you mind giving her number to me? please." maybe he is a bit desperate. but you wanted to see lumine happy, so you grabbed his phone and typed her number in. you then let out a overexaggerated sigh. "you're welcome." 

 you and xiao kept sneaking glances at each other, and it was really awkward between you two. but why?  you just met him today; there's no reason for this.. tension. "why are you guys acting so weird?" scara asked, both you and xiao responding with "I don't know what you're talking about." maybe he's more agitating than kind, he asks way to much questions. "somethings going on with you guys. I can sense the tension between the both of you." you pinched your nose.  "scaramouche, do you want me to ask lumine to block you?" seems like he regretted saying a word since he replied with "nope." 

It got really quiet after that. your legs were getting tired from standing for so long, but even worse; there were no chairs except the one xiao was sitting on. what monster makes students sit in in a chairless room for detention? the room was extremely small also; you were barely 2 feet away from xiao and scaramouche. you didn't want to sit down on the floor either, you're literally wearing a skirt with no shorts under. besides, your pretty sure they wouldn't want to see your unicorn underwear.  "sit down." xiao groaned, getting up from the chair. you stared blankly at him. is he actually offering his chair to you? "I'm sorry- what?" you stammered. he wasn't being serious was he, just being sarcastic! "are your deaf now?" what is he trying to be? a gentleman or a complete punk. "excuse me?" you sharply retorted. "sit your ass down. you a dog or something?" you scoffed, sitting down. "if this is your attempt at being a 'decent' person, please just stick to being a complete bitch." you snapped back one final time, scaramouche lightly chuckling as xiao stayed quiet.

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