Scorpion's Sting

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[In the Training Hall, Master Shifu walks into view.]

Shifu: Panda, you're next! Ten seconds to get to the other side unscathed!

[Po begins through the Gauntlet of Wooden Warriors; blocks two of the Warrior's arms.]

Po: Cat-like reflexes!

[Monkey leaps from above.]

Monkey: HUAH!

Po: Monkey?!

[The two briefly battle each other before Monkey gains the upper-hand.]

Monkey: [Stuffs two fingers up Po's nostrils] Ha ha! Two points for Monkey! [Pulls back his fist] Lights out, Po!

[From the side of the training course, Tigress sneezes.]

Tigress: Ah, ah, AH-CHOO!

[Tigress sneezes and falls into the course and is knocked into Po and Monkey by one of the Wooden Warrior's arms. Po and Monkey are flung across the Gauntlet and against the Jade Tortoise, where Po falls on top of Monkey. Tigress looks over to them in a ducked position.]

Sonic: Are you guys alright? [Looks for Monkey] Wait, where's Monkey?

Monkey: [Muffled] Get... off... me!

[Po Leans up, but doesn't get off Monkey.]

Po: Po five, Monkey four.

Monkey: [Still being squished by Po] You can't... count that!

Sonic: Yeah, that seems unfair, Po.

Po: Sure I can. [Looks forward] Shifu, that was a point, right?

Shifu: I don't care about your childish score-keeping, Panda. [Monkey lifts his chest, making Po fall to the side] Monkey, that was a deceitful, underhanded attack. Good work!

[Monkey grins up at Po, to which he returns the grin.]

Shifu: [Turns around and faces the rest of the Furious Five and Sonic] The point of sneak attack training is to do the unexpected. [Turns to Po and makes a face] Doiee!

Po: Whuh--

Shifu: [Takes his staff and swipes it underneath Po's feet. Po falls to the ground flat on his back] See? Unexpected. [Looks at Tigress] Tigress, you and Crane are next.

[Tigress rubs her nose and sneezes on Crane. Crane flinches away but then wipes his beak off. Tigress sneezes on him again, and Crane wipes his beak annoyingly. He hears Tigress prepare to sneeze again and hold up his beak to guard his face. Silence comes and he lowers his wing happily, until Tigress sneezes on him again.]

Crane: Master Shifu, can we take five so I can go sterilize my beak with hot coals?

Po: [Notices the sneezing patterns and jabs Monkey's shoulder with his elbow, to which Monkey grins, and begins acting like he's sick] Uh-oh, I think I caught Tigress' cold... 

Tigress: [In a nasally voice] I don't have-- [Coughs twice] ...a cold! [Coughs again and frowns.]

Po: [Acts like a sneeze is building up.] AH-CHOO! [Throws a long turnip in front of Shifu and the rest of the Five, who look annoyed with his trick. Po, Sonic, and Monkey laugh out loud.]

Monkey: Hey, I've got a cold too!

Tigress: [Points at Monkey] I do NOT have a cold! [Sneezes.]

Monkey: [Builds up a sneeze] AH-CHOO! [Throws a ninja star toward Tigress, who immediately dodges and looks as it lodges into one of the Wooden Warriors. She looks back annoyed, and Po, Sonic, and Monkey laugh out loud again.]

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