The Princess and the Po and Sonic

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[In the village, Po, Shifu, Sonic, Tigress, and Mantis are seen walking down the main road.]

Shifu: Princess Mei Li's peace mission is of the utmost importance. We can't afford any mistakes, Po and Sonic.

[Po scowls.]

Po: How come you never say, "We can't afford any mistakes, Tigress," or... [A cart full of noodle rolls passes them by] Oh, noodle rolls! [Shifu grabs Po by the finger to keep him moving] Ow, ow, ow, ow...

Sonic: We're listing.

Shifu: You have to get Princess Mei Li safely to the king to the Qidan. She may only be a child, but she is royalty.

[Though distracted by a group of children passing him by, Po and Sonic are instantly brought to attention upon hearing this.]

Sonic: Oh, so, she's a kid princess!

Po: Oh man, we are perfect for this gig! [Po and Sonic leaps in front of Shifu and the other masters, stopping them] 'Cause if there's one thing me and Sonic love, it's kids. And if there's one thing that loves us, it's also kids.

Shifu: But she's also a princess. There's a strict protocol: Never make eye contact, always address her with deference, and avoid touching, unless absolutely necessary.

Po: What if she wants to hug our sheer awesomeness?!

Me Li: STOP IT! Do not touch the royal silks! Kiss my feet! [Mei Li's goat servants proceed to kiss Mei Li's feet] But wash them first! [Mei Li's goat servants wash Mei Li's feet tentatively, and then proceed to kiss them again. After, Mei Li motions downwards. The goat servants lay on their stomachs, forming a two stair ramp so that Mei Li may exit her carrying cart. Mei Li walks over to Po and Sonic, angered.]

Po & Sonic: Cute!

Me Li: How DARE you keep me waiting! [Mei Li points a finger toward Mantis, Tigress, Po, and Sonic causing them to jump back.] I am a PRINCESS! If this happens again I shall have you all beheaded!

Po: Ha ha ha ha ha! Yeah! Behead everyone! Who's with...[Mei Li jabs Po in the gut with her imperial staff.] Ouph! [The imperial staff breaks.]

Me Li: Insolent jiggly MESS! You broke my imperial staff!

[Sonic, with a worried look on his face, tries to blame the happening on Mei Li.]

Sonic: Nuh uh! You broke it!

Me Li: You DARE accuse me of lying?! [Mei Li turns around, her servants instantly cowering] I want them executed! At once! [Mei Li's servants drop their jaws in disbelief.]

[The two goat servants proceed to look at Mei Li, who instantly refutes their gazes.]

Me Li: Don't look at me! [The servants cannot resist looking at Mei Li] Don't you look at me! Don't! That! 'Ey! Phyzeeahh!

[There is a brief pause of awkwardness as Po, Sonic and Shifu stare at Mei Li.]

Shifu: Your Highness, these [Shifu steps out of the way of Po and Sonic, introducing him] are the Dragon Warriors.

Po: [Po sticks his arm out to greet the princess.] Nice to meet you, your highness! [Mei Li slaps Po's hand out of the way.] Duuhh!

Me Li: Oh. I guess I need you, butterball, and furball. So I won't have you two executed. YET!

[Po and Sonic tip-toes away in cowardice as Mei Li begins to yell at her servants.]

Me Li: Who said you could SIT?!

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